Tag: Tongaat Hulett

Home " Tongaat Hulett

US company offers USD 20 million to buy sugar mills in Xinavane and Mafambisse

Lusitania Investment Capital LLC, a company based in the United States of America, has been negotiating with sugar producer Tongaat Hulett, listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange since January this year, about a possible acquisition of this group's operations in Mozambique. Lusitania Investment Capital has offered Tongaat Hulett up to R3.5...


Sugar workers in Xinavane burn down and paralyze the village

The workers of Tongaat Hulett, owner of Açucareira de Xinavane, set fire to houses and cars since the early hours of today, and also vandalized commercial establishments, some of them close to the Police Station of that village in Manhiça district. In all this there is still no data about the loss of human lives, only about a hit-and-run accident. There are people...


Tongaat Hulett announces proposed financial recapitalization of through new share offering

The company Tongaat Hulett, which operates the sugar factories of Mafambisse, in Sofala, and Xinavane, Maputo, has just announced a proposal for recapitalization, through a rights offering of new shares, partially underwritten by Magister Investments Limited, a shareholder and partner of the group. This is a financial injection that will be made in all units...