Tag: risks

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HCB reduz riscos de cortar fornecimento de energia a países vizinhos

HCB reduces risk of cutting power supply to neighboring countries

In January of the current hydrological year 2024/25, the Cahora Bassa Reservoir recorded an improvement in inflows, which resulted in a slight recovery in storage and stability in the reservoir's level for the hydro-energy production required to meet the energy needs of Mozambique, South Africa and other...

Moçambique defende cooperação no combate aos riscos associados à Inteligência Artificial

Mozambique advocates cooperation to combat the risks associated with Artificial Intelligence

Mozambique advocates strengthening international cooperation to combat the risks associated with the growing use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The position was defended by the Mozambican Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Verónica Macamo, this Thursday in New York City, at an open debate of the UN Security Council on the maintenance of peace and...


Rovuma Basin: Coral North Project without major environmental risks

The environmental consultancy firm, Consultec, assures that no fatal issues have been identified, namely unacceptable environmental and social risks, which could compromise the viability of the hydrocarbon exploration project called Coral Norte, to be developed in the Rovuma basin. This assurance was made public by Emanuel Viçoso, project coordinator at Consultec, on Friday,...


"Resource exploitation brings more risks than benefits to communities," concludes study

A study on the governance of extractive resources, carried out by a consortium of civil society organizations, has concluded that the exploitation of natural resources in Mozambique has brought more risks than benefits to local communities. The data from the study was shared yesterday in Maputo by Sérgio Chichava, from the Institute of Social Studies and...

Governo recebe 6,5 milhões de dólares para redução de risco de desastres

Government receives $6.5 million for disaster risk reduction

The Mozambican government has received 6.5 million dollars to implement projects to promote disaster resilience in communities affected by natural phenomena and terrorism. According to Notícias, the actions in question will be jointly financed by the South Korean government, through the Korean Cooperation Agency (KOICA), and the...

Analistas alertam para riscos de “insustentabilidade” na nova Tabela Salarial Única

Analysts warn of risks of "unsustainability" in the new Single Wage Scale

Analysts criticize the lack of public debate and more information in the process of adopting the Single Wage Scale (TSU) in the country, warning of the risk of unsustainability in the face of state budget limitations. "I don't know if the state will have the financial capacity to support these very high increases. This has implications for the budget...