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Não existem processos contra Venâncio Mondlane nos tribunais, assegura presidente do Supremo

There are no cases against Venâncio Mondlane in the courts, says the president of the Supreme Court

The President of the Supreme Court, Adelino Muchanga, assured today that the national courts have no cases against independent presidential candidate Venâncio Mondlane. "There are cases under investigation, but they are not in the courts," he said, stressing that only after the investigation phase is over will they be able to enter the courts. He explained that those who carry out the...

Ao congratular nossos amigos da Frelimo apenas seguimos o processo, diz Ministro sul-africano

By congratulating our friends from Frelimo we are just following the process, says South African minister

The South African Minister for International Relations, Ronald Lamola, said this week that South Africa's congratulations to the Frelimo party on the election of its candidate Daniel Chapo as President of the Republic was a customary act. Speaking at a press conference, he explained that it was not an act outside the norm, although the...

Tribunal Supremo reabre o processo sobre o atentado contra Agostinho Vuma

Supreme Court reopens the case against Agostinho Vuma

Four years after the violent attack on Agostinho Vuma, President of the Confederation of Economic Associations of Mozambique (CTA), the Supreme Court has just overturned the decision of the Maputo High Court of Appeal to dismiss the main suspect in the attempted murder, Salimo Momad Muidine. The incident, remember, took place on July 11, 2020,...

Eleições 2024: MDM exige anulação do processo na Zambézia

Elections 2024: MDM demands annulment of process in Zambézia

The Democratic Movement of Mozambique (MDM) in Zambezia is demanding that the electoral authorities annul the general elections throughout the province because the party was allegedly prejudiced. The party has already submitted documents to the local courts attesting to the occurrence of electoral irregularities in the province's districts. Bruno Dramusse said that around...

Quando a meta é iluminar Moçambique até 2030, mas respeitando o processo

When the goal is to light up Mozambique by 2030, but respecting the process

After all, how many "P's" do you use to light up the country? That is the question, which literally has its answer not in the implementation of the various existing projects to expand the electricity grid, but in the way they are carried out: ethics and transparency. Ten years ago, Mozambique undertook a preliminarily winding challenge of making...

Sala da Paz e UE consideram ordeiro processo de votação

Peace Room and EU call voting process orderly

Through its joint electoral observation platform, the Peace Room describes the start of the process as positive, despite the occurrence of some illicit acts. Among the illicit acts that occurred, the platform reports a delay in the start of voting at some polling stations, a change of position and at some points the absence of the Podemos party...

PGR diz que o processo sobre a detenção ilegal do agente alfandegário já está em fase de instrução

PGR says that the case against the customs agent's illegal detention is already at the investigation stage

The Attorney General's Office (PGR), at the Nampula delegation in northern Mozambique, has revealed that the case of the illegal detention of the customs agent is already at the investigation stage. On August 24, the customs agent, Alírio João, was illegally detained for refusing to photograph luxury cars seized in...

Justiça francesa decide a favor do Estado moçambicano um processo contra a Indiana Patel Engineering

French court rules in favor of Mozambican state in case against Indiana Patel Engineering

The Arbitral Tribunal of the International Court of Arbitration (ICC), based in Paris, France, has handed down its verdict in the arbitration case brought by the Mozambican state against the Indian giant Patel Engineering. Represented by the Mozambican Attorney General's Office (PGR), the state brought the case to counter another action it had...

Angola: PGR arquiva processo de “Man Genas” por falta de provas

Angola: PGR closes "Man Genas" case for lack of evidence

The Angolan justice system has ordered the release and closure of the case against former drug trafficker Gelson Emanuel Quintas "Man Genas", due to lack of evidence. Man Genas is being held in Luanda following his extradition from Mozambique after denouncing the alleged involvement of the Angolan police authorities in drug trafficking. Gelson's defense...

ONG acusa procuradoria de arquivar processo de assassinatos da PRM

NGO accuses prosecutor of shelving PRM murder case

The Center for Democracy and Human Rights (CDD) accuses the Public Prosecutor's Office in Nampula Province of filing a complaint against the actions of the Mozambique Republic Police. According to the CCD's Human Rights Bulletin, the complaint about the deaths of ten people and...