The private sector is angry with the state for not honoring its financial commitments, which is leading to a deterioration in the business environment in Manica. According to the business community in the province, the state is the biggest debtor. The amount was not disclosed. "The state is the biggest customer...
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'Mysterious' bank holding gas revenues could make more than 9.5 million dollars a year to benefit private interests
The Mozambican state has already collected around 40 million dollars as a result of 17 shipments of Liquefied Natural Gas, which began in October 2022. This amount is deposited in a bank account held by the Tax Authority, according to the Center for Public Integrity (CIP). Although the bank holding the money is unknown,...
Government and private companies delimit areas for water distribution
The Government signed on Thursday, a memorandum of understanding with the Association of Water Suppliers of Mozambique (AFORAMO) which determines that in places where private operators are operating, the public sector should not intervene. The measure comes in the wake of concerns that had been raised recently by private operators, according to which FIPAG...