Tag: Private

Home " Private
Sector privado passa a gerir activos de origem ilicíta apreendidos pelo Estado

Private sector to manage illicit assets seized by the state

The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), through the Asset Management Office, has launched a public tender for the selection and hiring of a company specializing in rental management, control, custody and conservation of real estate. The aim is for the private sector to manage assets of illicit origin...

CDD critica “fosso sem precedentes” entre salários administração pública e no privado

CDD criticizes "unprecedented gap" between public and private salaries

The Mozambican non-governmental organization (NGO) Centro para a Democracia e Desenvolvimento (Centre for Democracy and Development) yesterday criticized the "unprecedented gap" between salaries in public and private administration, warning of "frustration" among workers who are not in the state. "As has happened in other years, in all likelihood, the union and its workers will once again walk out...