Tag: President of the Republic

PR inicia hoje uma visita de trabalho à Índia

PR starts working visit to India today

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, will pay a working visit to the Republic of India from January 9 to 12, 2023, at the invitation of the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. According to a statement issued by the Presidency, the visit of the Mozambican Head of State to India is part of the context of strengthening and deepening relations...

PR promulga Lei que cria Fundo Soberano

PR enacts law creating Sovereign Wealth Fund

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, has promulgated and ordered the publication of the law creating the Mozambique Sovereign Fund. The law was approved last month by the Assembly of the Republic and submitted to the Head of State for promulgation, but he has verified that it does not contravene the Fundamental Law. The Sovereign Fund of...

“Poderes do Presidente da República limitam a independência dos órgãos de soberania”, – Renamo

"The powers of the President of the Republic limit the independence of the organs of sovereignty," - Renamo

Renamo's parliamentary caucus is contesting the powers conferred on the President of the Republic by the Constitution, claiming that they are excessive, as they end up limiting the independence of some sovereign bodies. The position of the largest opposition party was expressed this Thursday by the head of the parliamentary caucus, Viana Magalhães, during the closing ceremony of...

Renamo sabota informe do PR

Renamo sabotages PR report

The President of the Republic's report to parliament is currently taking place in the midst of noise caused by members of the Renamo parliamentary caucus. Despite appeals made by the President of the Republic, Renamo MPs stand, sing songs and make noise in protest at the results of the sixth local elections on...


PR goes to Parliament this Wednesday for the report on the General State of the Nation

This Wednesday, the President of the Republic, Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, will address the Assembly of the Republic to report on the General State of the Nation. In his report to the nation, Filipe Nyusi will share the general situation of the country, highlighting the progress and constraints made during the year that is about to end, challenges and prospects. The country...

PR participa na Conferência Internacional sobre SIDA em África

PR attends International Conference on AIDS in Africa

The President of the Republic, Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, is taking part today in Harare, Republic of Zimbabwe, in the 22nd International Conference on AIDS in Africa. The conference aims to reflect on strategies to combat HIV-AIDS in Africa, address, prevent and eliminate mother-to-child transmission and preventable childhood infections across the continent. Africa remains the...

Presidente da República efectua hoje visita de trabalho a província de Maputo

President of the Republic makes working visit to Maputo province today

Today, Monday, the President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, is paying a working visit to the southern province of Maputo. In this province, the head of state will visit the district of Magude, where he will inaugurate two water supply systems, according to a press release from the Presidency of the Republic. On the same day, Nyusi will inaugurate the judicial court...

Filipe Nyusi inaugura abastecimento de água em Dombe

Filipe Nyusi inaugurates water supply in Dombe

The Dombe Administrative Post, in Manica province, has a new water supply system, inaugurated on Wednesday, November 22, by the President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi. With the new system coming into operation, the coverage rate in the district of Sussundenga will rise from the current 69.3% to 71.23%, serving 146,171...

Nyusi quer FADS prontas para trabalhar sem apoio externo

Nyusi wants FADS ready to work without external support

The President of the Republic wants a defense sector that takes concrete and strategic decisions to combat terrorism in Cabo Delgado, following the departure of the joint forces of SAMIM and Ruadna. For two days, the FADS will be in a coordinating council, in Maputo city and Gaza province, to assess...