Tag: employment positions

Home " employment positions

MITSS secures 21,000 jobs in South Africa

The Ministry of Labour and Social Security (MITSS), through the National Directorate of Migratory Labour (DTM), has ensured the maintenance of over 21,000 jobs for fellow nationals in neighboring South Africa by 2021. Of this number, 18,800 are mine workers and 3,058 are farma workers, according to AIM. During the first...


Pemba-Lichinga Development Corridor projects to create more than 100,000 jobs

There are 118 thousand jobs that will be created by the Special Agro-Industrial Processing Zone project, in the Pemba-Lichinga Integrated Development Corridor (ZEPA). These are direct jobs, which will be added to another thirty thousand indirect jobs, in the areas of agricultural production, processing and export, and infrastructure construction, among others. The announcement was...