Tag: GDP

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Russian economy in technical recession as GDP falls in Q3

This decline in GDP follows the one that occurred between April and June, of 4.1%, thus being the second consecutive quarterly decline. This economic performance comes as the Russian Federation is subject to sanctions for invading and militarily attacking Ukraine. In total, the Russian economy is subject to 12,739 sanctions measures, if one adds the restrictions...


Government forecasts extractive industry to lead GDP growth

The government expects that the extractive industries will have the largest contribution to the growth of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2023, according to the draft State Budget sent to parliament. In the average of 14 sectors, the Government expects the Mozambican economy to grow 5% next year, with the largest contribution in the...


United States confirms 0.61TP2Q second-quarter GDP decline

The Commerce Department confirmed today that the US economy fell 0.6%, on an annualized basis, in the second quarter of this year, in the third and final estimate of the evolution of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The second estimate, released in August, had already indicated this contraction of 0.61 QoQ. The retreat between April and June follows another...

“Principais economias mundiais com crescimento de 0,3% no segundo trimestre” -OCDE

"Major world economies with 0.3% growth in second quarter" -OECD

The gross domestic product (GDP) of the world's leading economies grew by 0.3% quarter-on-quarter in the second quarter, maintaining the pace of the previous quarter, according to provisional estimates advanced today by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). "In the second quarter 2022, gross domestic product (GDP) in the OECD increased by 0.3% quarter-on-quarter,...


US GDP shrinks 0.6% in Q2 2022

U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) contracted by 0.6% in the second quarter on an annualized basis, less than had been initially announced, the Commerce Department indicated today in a second estimate. In the first estimate, released in late July, the April-June GDP contraction was 0.9%. O...


Government projects 2% manufacturing growth

The Government foresees, for next year, a 2% growth in the manufacturing sector and a double digit contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), in 2030. The figures were advanced today in Maputo by the permanent secretary of the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIC), Jorge Jairoce, during the first Energy and Industry Summit of Mozambique. Quoted by the newspaper...