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Governo aprova pesquisa e produção de petróleo em Angoche

Government approves oil exploration and production in Angoche

The Government, through the Council of Ministers, approved today, Tuesday (23), in another ordinary session, the Decree approving the Terms of the Oil Exploration and Production Concession Contract for the Angoche Offshore Area A6-C, to ENI Mozambico SpA. and Empresa Nacional de Hidrocarbonetos, E.P. (ENH, E.P.), as Concessionaires....


Government authorizes CNOOC Hong Kong and ENH to explore for oil in Save and Angoche

The Council of Ministers today approved the terms of the Oil Exploration and Production Concession Contract for China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) Hong Kong Holding Ltd and Empresa Nacional de Hidrocarbonetos (ENH), as concessionaires. The company will be able to carry out its work in offshore areas S6-A and S6-B in the...

Projectados quatro poços de pesquisa de petróleo

Four oil exploration wells planned

Four wells will be drilled this year for hydrocarbon research and prospecting in Mozambique, according to an official source. Two of the wells will be drilled in the Angoche region, one in the Búzi area and another in the PT5-C area operated by Sasol, a source from the National Petroleum Institute (INP) told "Notícias". This will be the...


Hydrocarbons: Government evaluates possibility of seventh tender

The government is considering the possibility of launching the seventh hydrocarbon exploration and production tender in the country, with the aim of guaranteeing the licensing of areas that could be profitable for this purpose. Carlos Zacarias, Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy, explained to "Notícias" that it is necessary to create alternatives capable of guiding the...


Contracts for sixth hydrocarbon exploration tender can be signed by end of October

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Petroleum Institute, Nazário Bangalane, revealed that the contracts for the Concession of Areas for Exploration and Production of Hydrocarbons in Mozambique are expected to be signed this quarter, i.e. by October. Quoted today by the daily newspaper Notícias, Bangalane said that at the moment the...

ENI: Chegou a Moçambique a plataforma para perfuração e pesquisa de hidrocarboneto em Nampula

ENI: Drilling and research platform for hydrocarbon exploration in Nampula has arrived in Mozambique

Eni Mozambico S.p.A. is preparing to drill its first exploration well in Area A5-A, off the coast of the Angoche district in Nampula province. To this end, the West Capella drilling rig, owned by Aquadrill and contracted by the area's concessionaires, is already in national waters and is about to reach the...


Mozambique will produce oil in the coming years

Research work to prospect for oil is underway off the coast of the Angoche district, in the province of Nampula, in northern Mozambique, in order to determine the existing quantity of the raw material and its commercial viability. "The feasibility study is underway, but at the moment, as the district government, we may not have...