Tag: budget

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OMS propõe cortes orçamentais e novas prioridades após a retirada dos EUA

WHO proposes budget cuts and new priorities after US withdrawal

The Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, yesterday regretted the withdrawal of the United States of America from the organization. "We regret this decision and hope that the United States will reconsider it," he said at the opening of a meeting of the WHO Executive Board in Geneva, Switzerland. Meanwhile, in a document released on Monday, the WHO...

Sociedade civil propõe criação de orçamento para o combate das uniões prematuras

Civil society proposes budget to combat premature marriage

Civil society is proposing the creation of a single, specific budget to combat early unions in the country. According to the executive director of the Civil Society Forum for Children's Rights, Benilde Nhalivilo, who was speaking yesterday, Wednesday (24), in Maputo, at the Conference on the System for Guaranteeing the Rights of Children and...

Governo atribui orçamento adicional a municípios afectados por inundações

Government allocates additional budget to municipalities affected by floods

The Executive has decided to support the municipalities affected by the recent torrential rains across the country with an additional budget, the spokesperson for the Council of Ministers announced on Tuesday. "The Council of Ministers approved the decree delegating to the Minister of Economy and Finance the power to define, by ministerial order, the amount to be transferred as...

Mundo bate recorde de dinheiro gasto com guerras

World breaks record for money spent on wars

The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) has revealed that war spending will increase by 8 percent from 2022 to 2023, reaching a record 2,440 billion dollars. This is the highest annual growth in military spending in more than a decade, since 2009. SIPRI adds...