Tag: fine

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“Costas quentes”: Agente do SERNIC que matou um jovem a tiros condenado a uma pena de dois anos de prisão convertida em multa

"Hot back": SERNIC agent who shot dead a young man sentenced to two years in prison converted into a fine

The agent of the National Investigation Service (SERNIC), Galileu Lourenço Singano, accused of murdering the citizen identified as Elísio José Nhachungue, has had his two-year sentence converted into payment of a fine. According to the Center for Democracy and Human Rights (CDD), the SERNIC agent is the son of Lourenço Singano, a...

Poluição do ar: Portugal arrisca a pagar multa milionária por seis mil mortes prematuras

Air pollution: Portugal risks paying millionaire fine for 6,000 premature deaths

The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) may impose a million-dollar fine on Portugal, which has not yet been calculated, as a result of its systematic failure to comply with the European directive on air quality. This, according to the Portuguese press, is linked to around 6,000 premature deaths a year in the country, particularly in the cities of...

ISSM aplica multa a quatro seguradoras

ISSM fines four insurance companies

Four insurance institutions have been fined two million meticais by the Insurance Supervision Institute of Mozambique, as part of its inspection of financial guarantees. Each of the insurers was fined 500,000 meticais due to infringements detected during the inspection of insurance activity and respective mediation. According to the...


General Inspectorate of Mines fines 14 mining companies

Fourteen mining companies have been fined by Mozambique's General Inspectorate of Mines for failing to declare the quality of the ores they produced in June, the inspectorate told Lusa today. The Inspector General of Mines at the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy, Obete Matine, said that the fines were the first imposed on mining operators for...

Passa a ser crime deitar lixo no chão

It is now a crime to litter

Depositing solid waste outside the appropriate place and/or burning it inside containers will now lead to a fine and criminal proceedings against those who do it, in the city of Chimoio, Manica province. The city's mayor explains that burning solid waste inside containers reduces the longevity of the...