The Prime Minister invites partners and all segments of society to join the government's efforts to address the impacts caused by climate change, whose effects have been severe in Mozambique
Tag: climate change
Startup Will Make Algae-Based Clothes
The Israeli startup, Algaeing, aims to create biodegradable, non-toxic and energy-efficient clothing, all based on algae. The formula, low in water consumption, in addition to reducing costs, can serve to create natural fibers and dyes, without creating waste and polluting the environment. According to Renana Krebs, CEO and co-founder of...
Climate Change Threatens Up to 118 Million Poor People in Africa
A new report from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) reckons that climate change could expose some 118 million poor Africans to severe drought, flooding and extreme heat by 2030. And as a consequence, the continent could see its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) badly damaged by 2050. The "AfricaClimateCrisis" document published...
Sub-Saharan Africa could have 86M migrants due to climate change
A new World Bank (WB) report concludes that 216 million people will be forced to migrate within their own countries due to climate change, writes UN News. According to the study, entitled wave 2, the foci of this internal movement are expected to emerge as early as the end of this decade and intensify over the next 20...
Mozambique wants to be free of poverty, terrorism and resilient to climate change
The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, declared this Monday, at a United Nations (UN) event, that the country wants to be free of poverty, discrimination, terrorism and the negative impacts of covid-19, in addition to being resilient to climate change
JICA trains communities in climate change resilient construction techniques
The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is training communities in the city of Beira, Sofala, in building climate resilient houses
President of the Republic participates in the International Water Financiers Conference
The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, is today participating in Maputo in the International Financiers Conference whose aim is to mobilize investments for the supply of water to urban areas over the next 10 years. The Investment Program is budgeted at around 1.8 billion dollars, for water supply infrastructures, with a view to...
"Flood risk grows worldwide," indicates new research
New research published by Cloud to Street, a partner of Willis Research Network, offers new insights and information on the growing risk of flooding around the world
"Global warming will affect food supply and production worldwide" - scientists
The conclusions of the sixth Assessment Report of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) revealed that the effects of global warming will lead to an increase of 1.5ºC in the planet's temperature and, with this, food production around the world will suffer
Government invests $4 million to save marine ecosystems on Mozambique's coast
The National Institute for Fisheries Research launched this Thursday in Maputo a project called "ReMoTURB", valued at four million dollars to save marine ecosystems endangered by climate change