Tag: Doctors

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Governo já contratou mais médicos, e os outros estão a bater à porta errada para reivindicar seus direitos

The government has already hired more doctors, and the others are knocking on the wrong door to claim their rights

The Deputy Minister of State Administration and Civil Service, Inocêncio Impissa, said on Tuesday (15) that the government has already hired 60 doctors to meet basic health needs in the country's hospitals. He explained that this hiring, previously announced by the Executive, was precipitated by the doctors' strike, but was not a substitute for the missing doctors...

“Cartas fora do baralho”: Governo não vai atender às reivindicações salariais dos médicos

"Cards out of the deck": Government won't meet doctors' salary demands

The Executive will not meet the salary demands of the Mozambican Medical Association (AMM) because it considers them illegal, the Deputy Minister of State Administration and Civil Service said on Tuesday. Speaking in Maputo, after the 29th session of the Council of Ministers, Inocêncio Impissa, said that the complaints about diuturnity and overtime were off the table...

AMM: Médicos que não aderem a greve nacional da classe poderão ser expulsos da agremiação

AMM: Doctors who do not join the national strike of the class may be expelled from the association

The Mozambican Medical Association (AMM) is considering expelling doctors who, for unjustified reasons, do not join the national strike in progress since July 10. Mozambican doctors are demanding better working conditions and salaries from the government, as well as the payment of overtime owed by the state. The statement quoted...

Ordem dos Médicos cria comissão independente para aproximar Governo e os médicos

Portuguese Medical Association sets up independent commission to bring government and doctors closer together

 he Portuguese Medical Association has decided to set up an independent commission to help bring the government and doctors closer together and find solutions to the tensions between the two parties. In a statement released this Friday, the Order says it is concerned about the current crisis in relations between the government and doctors and has decided to intervene through an independent...

Médicos submetem providência cautelar devido às ameaças do Governo

Doctors submit injunction over government threats

The Mozambican Medical Association (AMM) has filed a precautionary measure due to the government's latest stance on its demands for better working conditions. The association believes that the government's statements are threats. The document, which has been filed with the Administrative Court, seeks to annul the absences and disciplinary proceedings against doctors who...

Médicos mantêm greve e anunciam caminhada pelas ruas de Maputo

Doctors maintain strike and announce walkout in Maputo streets

The Mozambican Medical Association (AMM), whose professionals have been on strike since July 10, wants to hold a walkout in Maputo this Saturday to protest about the conditions of diagnosis and treatment of patients, announcing that it will denounce the situation to international organizations. "The AMM informs the public in general and the Mozambican government in particular that everything...