Tag: manifestations

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Manifestações violentas: Cem postos de abastecimento de combustíveis vandalizados

Violent demonstrations: 100 petrol stations vandalized

Around a hundred fuel stations have been vandalized in the wake of the violent demonstrations taking place across the country. Nevertheless, following the assurance given by AMEPETROL, the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy also confirmed that the country has enough fuel for the next three months. Moisés Paulino, National Director...

Manifestações: 77 viaturas da Saúde destruídas em todo o país

Demonstrations: 77 health vehicles destroyed across the country

Seventy-seven health sector vehicles were destroyed or vandalized during the post-election demonstrations across the country, health authorities said. Of this number, fifty-five new vehicles were at the Central de Medicamentos e Artigos Médicos in Maputo, where two warehouses were destroyed, according to Rádio Moçambique. The minister of...

Manifestações: Não haverá escassez de combustíveis nos próximos 23 dias

Demonstrations: There will be no fuel shortages for the next 23 days

There will be no fuel shortages for at least the next 23 days in the country, guarantees the Mozambican Association of Oil Companies (AMEPETROL). In a statement to which MZNews has had access, AMEPETROL says that "at the moment the country has stock for 23 days, so there is no risk of a fuel shortage, apart from the ships already scheduled to arrive in the...

Venâncio Mondlane denuncia execuções em massa nas cadeias nacionais

Venâncio Mondlane denounces mass executions in national jails

Venâncio Mondlane, leader of the nationwide demonstrations, last night denounced the execution of prisoners and the accumulation of bodies, including those of children, in morgues. In another live broadcast on his official Facebook account, he pointed out that families are being prevented from identifying the bodies, which are being sent to graves...

Manifestações provocam dezenas de mortos e um rasto de destruição na cidade da Beira

Demonstrations cause dozens of deaths and a trail of destruction in the city of Beira

The new wave of demonstrations that began shortly after the Constitutional Council validated the election results yesterday caused 18 deaths and 81 serious and minor injuries, 58 arrests, the assault on a police station and the torching of dozens of vehicles, many of them long-haul, in the city of Beira, the provincial capital of Sofala, in the center of...

Nova onda de manifestações faz 21 mortos e 116 feridos em Nampula

New wave of demonstrations leaves 21 dead and 116 injured in Nampula

The Central Hospital of Nampula (HCN) announced yesterday (25) that there have been at least 21 deaths, 17 out-of-hospital and four in-hospital, in the last 38 hours, following acts of vandalism and disorder, triggered by the validation and proclamation of the results of the October 9 general elections. According to the director-general of the HCN, Cachimo Molina,...

Manifestações já resultaram na morte de 252 pessoas desde Outubro

Demonstrations have resulted in the deaths of 252 people since October

At least 252 people lost their lives during the protests that erupted in Mozambique after the October 9 elections, validated this week by the Constitutional Council. The figures were revealed today by the non-governmental organization Plataforma Eleitoral Decide, pointing out that half of the deaths, 125, were recorded since the beginning of the week, between...

Manifestações: Estados Unidos elevam o nível de alerta contra viagens para Moçambique

Demonstrations: US raises alert level against travel to Mozambique

Last Thursday (19), the United States raised its travel alert level for Mozambique, saying that protests could quickly turn violent. Mozambique is bracing itself for a potential escalation of protests following the announcement that the Constitutional Council (CC) will reveal its decision on the results of the elections next Monday (23)....