Tag: manifestations

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ACNUR “preocupada” com violência pós-eleitoral em Moçambique

UNHCR "concerned" about post-election violence in Mozambique

The United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) has expressed concern about the level of post-election violence in Mozambique since the general elections in October. It reported that more than 3,000 people took refuge in Malawi and Eswatini last week due to the violent demonstrations that have been taking place in Mozambique. "The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner...

Manifestações e ciclone Chido obrigam ao cancelamento das celebrações do fim do ano em Pemba

Demonstrations and Cyclone Chido force cancellation of end-of-year celebrations in Pemba

The municipality of the city of Pemba, in Cabo Delgado, has decided to cancel the end-of-year celebrations due to the insecurity caused by the post-election crisis and the humanitarian drama caused by Cyclone Chido, which hit northern Mozambique a few days ago. "The Municipal Council of the city of Pemba informs that the following are canceled and prohibited...

Venâncio Mondlane promete avançar na quinta-feira com os detalhes das manifestações “Ponta de Lança”

Venâncio Mondlane promises to give details of the "Ponta de Lança" demonstrations on Thursday

The presidential candidate leading the biggest protest against the election results in Mozambique since the first elections in the country, Venâncio Mondlane, promised to come forward on Thursday (02) with details of the next phase of the demonstrations, called "Ponta de Lança". Speaking this Monday (30) on his Facebook account, the PODEMOS presidential candidate accused...

Filipe Nyusi diz que “moçambicanos têm capacidade de resolver os seus problemas”

Filipe Nyusi says that "Mozambicans have the capacity to solve their problems"

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, said this afternoon that the solutions to Mozambique's problems can only be found by the Mozambicans themselves, admitting that other support is welcome as in previous cases. The Mozambican Head of State made these pronouncements at the Office of the President of the Republic, during a meeting with...

Manifestações violentas: perto de 120 instituições foram vandalizadas

Violent demonstrations: nearly 120 institutions vandalized

Nearly 120 private and public establishments have been vandalized since last Monday in Maputo City, according to preliminary data from the Maputo City Council. "It's time for all of us to work, rather than lament. Things are already here, they are as they are. Let's put our hands together and move towards...

Crise pós-eleitoral: Moçambicanos fogem para o vizinho Malawi

Post-election crisis: Mozambicans flee to neighboring Malawi

More than 2,000 Mozambican families have sought refuge in Malawi this week due to a wave of demonstrations protesting the election results of October 9. Foreign companies and operations in Mozambique are facing disruptions amid ongoing protests and a deadly prison riot that resulted in the escape of more than 1,500 prisoners,...

Manifestações violentas: Conselho Municipal de Maputo perde 6 viaturas de recolha de lixo

Violent demonstrations: Maputo City Council loses 6 garbage collection vehicles

Maputo City Council has lost a fleet of six waste collection units due to the violent demonstrations taking place in the country. Rasaque Manhique, president of the Maputo City Council, was quoted by Rádio Moçambique as saying that the situation, combined with the destruction of containers, reduces the capacity to collect solid waste. Manhique was speaking this...