Tag: manifestations

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Manifestações: CTA estima perdas de 1,4 mil milhões de meticais

Demonstrations: CTA estimates losses of 1.4 billion meticais

The Confederation of Economic Associations of Mozambique (CTA) says that the country has lost 1.4 billion Meticais due to the paralysis of economic activity resulting from last Monday's demonstrations. Agostinho Vuma, president of the CTA, explained that the demonstrations could discourage foreign investment in the country. At a press conference on Wednesday, the president of the...

Manifestações: Director executivo do MISA diz que o autoritarismo está a tentar ganhar lugar

Demonstrations: MISA executive director says authoritarianism is trying to gain a foothold

MISA's executive director says that the repression of the peaceful march and the police attack on journalists is an example of "authoritarianism trying to gain a foothold" and calls for an investigation into the proportionality of the use of force. "What happened today (yesterday) in Maputo was "abominable", said the executive director of MISA Mozambique, Ernesto Nhanale...

Maxaquene/Manifestações: populares bloqueiam Avenida Vladimir Lenine

Maxaquene/Manifestations: people block Avenida Vladimir Lenine

In the city of Maputo, in the Maxaquene neighborhood, the situation remains tense. And the neighborhood has become impassable. Despite Venâncio Mondlane's appeal for the demonstrators to stop marching, the population, according to CDD images, continues to burn tires, create barricades and block the circulation of vehicles and pedestrians....

Manifestações: Venâncio Mondlane promete uma segunda etapa mais radical

Demonstrations: Venâncio Mondlane promises a more radical second stage

Venâncio Mondlane, the presidential candidate, says he is happy because the march has achieved what he wanted. "We achieved what we wanted. More than 90% of economic activities were paralyzed, this was already a big gain, so the people are to be congratulated," said Mondlane. Mondlane promised to do a live stream in a few hours where he will be able to...

Manifestações: Local do início já conta com presença policial e blindados

Demonstrations: Starting point already has police presence and armored vehicles

Atypical situation in the capital city. Police of various specialties armed to the teeth are already at the site of the demonstrations to prevent the security of the march from taking place. Meanwhile, helicopters are also flying overhead. Even so, the population is still chanting "Mocambique este pais é nosso" (Mocambique is our country), the acronym used by the candidate...

Oposição venezuelana convoca protestos mundiais pela “verdade” eleitoral

Venezuelan opposition calls for worldwide protests for electoral "truth"

Venezuela's opposition leader, María Corina Machado, and former diplomat, Edmundo González Urrutia, called on Saturday for a worldwide protest for what they called the electoral "truth" "This Saturday, August 17, we will take to the streets of Venezuela and the world... we will shout together so that the world supports our victory and recognizes the...

Que dados são esses, sr. Ministro? Assim! Não!

What data is that, Minister? Just like that! No!

The Minister of the Interior, Pascoal Ronda, said last week in Parliament that the authorities had recorded only one death in the context of 130 popular demonstrations throughout most of the country against electoral fraud. He was referring to the case of a member of the Renamo party who was killed by the Mozambique Republic Police in the district of...