Tag: manifestation

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Internet users say they were cheated by INCM and threaten to demonstrate

Three days after the National Institute of Communications (INCM) announced a reduction in mobile phone tariffs, users say they have been duped and promise to demonstrate. http://896.424.mywebsitetransfer.com/servicos-de-telecomunicacoes-mais-baixos-a-partir-de-sabado/ Even with the announcement of the tariff reduction, users say that costs are still high, and they also denounce the limitation of promotions and their duration....


Pebane: PRM prevents demonstration against mining company's failure to comply with social responsibility agreement

The Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) prevented the population affected by a heavy sands exploitation project from demonstrating in repudiation of the failure of the company leading the project to comply with its Social Responsibilities. According to Rádio Moçambique, the PRM used tear gas and detained two individuals. Images of the demonstration seen by...

Angoche: Um morto e oito feridos pela PRM durante manifestação

Angoche: One dead and eight injured by PRM during demonstration

One citizen lost his life and eight others sustained injuries as a result of indiscriminate shooting by the Republic of Mozambique Police (PRM) in the Angoche district of Nampula province, a source told MZNews. The victims are Renamo party sympathizers who were taking part in an allegorical demonstration with a coffin "made of capulana...

Renamo inicia manifestações gerais com três pesos pesados juntos, na mesma praça

Renamo starts general demonstrations with three heavyweights together in the same square

The Renamo party began the announced general demonstration with the presence of three party members together in the same square in the country's capital. The party's president, Ossufo Momade, the front-runners, Venâncio Mondlane (Maputo city), and Manuel de Araújo (Quelimane city), were in Praça dos Combatentes (Xiquelene) this morning. O...


Local elections 2023: "Mega fraud" resurrects Renamo's war spirit and calls for a general demonstration

This Sunday, in an extraordinary session, Renamo's Political Commission called for a general strike to take place on Tuesday in all 65 municipalities in the country, to contest the intermediate results of the VI municipal elections. For Renamo, the results presented by the District Electoral Commissions, which give victory to the ruling party, the...

Sindicato dos trabalhadores moçambicanos ameaçam protestar contra aumento do custo de vida

Mozambican workers union threatens to protest against rising cost of living

The Organisation of Mozambican Workers (OTM)-Trade Union Central is threatening to organise a national demonstration against the rising cost of living in the country, an official source announced last Friday (08.07). "The trade union movement reserves the right to mobilize a demonstration or strike on a national scale as a way to show its repudiation of the high cost of living,"...