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Julgamento do processo das dívidas ocultas de Moçambique em Londres pode não iniciar hoje

Mozambique's hidden debt trial in London may not start today

The start of the trial in the British courts on Monday in London is uncertain due to the appeal over the immunity of the President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi and the possibility of an out-of-court settlement. According to Lusa, the trial is the culmination of almost four years of litigation in the British courts, to which Mozambique has appealed alleging bribery, conspiracy...

Dívidas Ocultas: Divulgados documentos do SISE da Presidência para o julgamento em Londres

Hidden Debts: Presidency's SISE documents released for London trial

The Mozambican government has agreed to allow lawyers from Peters & Peters access to some documents from the Office of the President of the Republic and the State Information and Security Service (SISE) relating to hidden debts. According to the Center for Public Integrity (CIP), which provided the information, this guarantees...


London "Hidden Debts" trial may be canceled to defend Nyusi's interests

The Mozambican government is refusing to share classified documents on debts issued without state guarantees, "Hidden Debts", amounting to more than two billion dollars, which could lead to the cancellation of the trial scheduled for October 2023, in London, England, to defend the interests of the President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi. According to...


Hidden Debts: London trial likely to drag on until 2024

The trial of Mozambique's hidden debts case at the London Commercial Court is at risk of being postponed or extended until 2024 due to the delay in releasing procedural documents. The lawyer representing Mozambique in the court proceedings initiated by the Attorney General's Office (PGR), Jonathan Adkin, has asked for an extension until January 27...

Administrador do Parque Nacional de Maputo vence Prémio Internacional sobre Conservação

Maputo National Park Administrator wins International Conservation Award

Mozambican Miguel Gonçalves, administrator of the Maputo National Park (PNM), is the winner of the "Tusk Conservation Awards 2022". The distinction was delivered this Tuesday, in London, United Kingdom, during the tenth gala. This award is given to personalities who distinguish themselves for their contribution to Conservation. Gonçalves disputed the final with administrators from Kenya and...


Oil continues to rise

Oil maintains the upward trend in Tuesday's session, with the Brent - which serves as a reference for national imports to appreciate 0.6% to 108.18 dollars a barrel according to Investing quoted by Noticias ao Minuto. On Monday, the price of a barrel of Brent oil for delivery in June ended in the market...


Brent crude price down 5.21TP2Q

The price of a barrel of Brent oil for delivery in May ended yesterday on the London futures market at a sharp drop of 5.23%, to 107.42 dollars. The North Sea crude, of reference in Europe, ended the session at the International Exchange Futures quoted 5.93 dollars below the 113.35 with which it closed...


Ukraine: Russia orders closure of airspace to British aircraft

Russia closes its airspace to British airlines from today, in response to a similar measure taken by London, said today the Federal Air Transport Agency, quoted by Lusa. The agency, in a statement, explained that today "a restriction was introduced on the use of the airspace of the Russian Federation for...