Tag: money laundering

Home " money laundering
“Empresa envolvida em lavagem de dinheiro facturou mais de 300 milhões em contratos com Estado” – CIP

"Company involved in money laundering invoiced more than 300 million in state contracts" - CIP

According to a study released today, Sunday (04), by the Centre for Public Integrity (CIP), a Mozambican non-governmental organization (NGO), Zohra Group, a business group suspected of involvement in money laundering, and whose premises were recently raided by the Public Prosecutor's Office, has won millions of meticais in contracts for the supply of goods...

Proprietários de bombas de combustíveis lavam dinheiro e financiam o terrorismo

Fuel pump owners launder money and finance terrorism

There are owners of petrol stations in Mozambique who use the business to launder money and finance terrorism in the province of Cabo Delgado, according to the President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi. These fuel pump owners are in Sofala province, according to Nyusi, who said he has "information from people [the businessmen]...


South African PR accused of money laundering

Former South African intelligence chief Arthur Fraser on Wednesday accused South African President Cyril Ramaphosa of violating the Prevention of Organized Crime Act, i.e. money laundering. Fraser released a statement announcing that he has opened a case at the Rosebank Police Station, Johannesburg area, against the head of...