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PR inaugura sistemas de abastecimento de água em Maputo

PR inaugurates water supply systems in Maputo

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, recently inaugurated a water supply system at the Maluana Administrative Post, in the Manhiça district. The system will benefit more than 3,000 inhabitants, but can feed up to 17,000 inhabitants at full capacity, according to a statement from the Presidency. After Maluana, according to...

Nyusi ambiciona construir mais 60 hospitais até finais de 2024

Nyusi aims to build 60 more hospitals by the end of 2024

Mozambique should build or start building 60 more district hospitals by the end of 2024, according to an ambitious forecast by the President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi. Currently, 105 of the country's 154 districts have no hospitals. Speaking in the city of Lichinga, in Niassa province, at the inauguration of the local provincial hospital, whose...

Moçambique já pode gerar 100 megawatts de energia solar com a inauguração da central fotovoltaica mais moderna

Mozambique can now generate 100 megawatts of solar energy with the inauguration of the most modern photovoltaic plant

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, inaugurated the country's most modern photovoltaic plant on Thursday (15), in the Tetereane district of Cuamba, in Niassa province. The project, which had an investment of 32.6 million dollars, can generate up to 15 megawatts, and brings the country's capacity to produce solar energy to 100...

“Não viemos fazer a entrega de uma pista de morte”, disse Nyusi na inauguração de estrada em Cabo Delgado

"We didn't come to hand over a death strip," said Nyusi at the inauguration of a road in Cabo Delgado

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, today in the town of Ninga, Mueda district, Cabo Delgado province, officially inaugurated the road linking Mozambique and Tanzania. It is, in fact, the completion of the first phase of the Mueda-Negomano road, on the Negomano-Roma section, which is 70 kilometers long. The African Development Bank (AfDB) financed...

Porto Maputo inaugura duas gruas e já prevê o aumento de carga manuseada

Maputo Port inaugurates two cranes and already foresees an increase in cargo handled

The Port of Maputo today inaugurated two new mobile cranes that should increase the volume of cargo handled. The ceremony was attended by the Executive Director of the institution, Osório Lucas, and the Minister of Transport and Communications, Mateus Magala. The new cranes will be able to handle 45,000 tons of cargo a day, compared to the previous...


Carlos Zacarias opens the first certification center for precious stones

The Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy (MIREME), Carlos Zacarias, inaugurated the first commercial warehouse where the Kimberley, Precious Metals and Gems Process Management Unit operates in the city of Chimoio, Manica province, on Monday (03). The country also plans to set up more certification centers for precious stones, diamonds and gems to...

Gaza: Filipe Nyusi inaugura sistema de abastecimento de água

Gaza: Filipe Nyusi inaugurates water supply system

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, recently inaugurated a water supply system in the administrative post of Zinhane, in the district of Chigubo, Gaza province, with the potential to benefit around 15,000 people over a 20-year period. In the first phase, a permanent water supply service is planned for around three...

Presidente da República quer eficiência com inauguração das novas “torres gémeas”

President wants efficiency with the inauguration of the new "twin towers

The inauguration of two buildings of the ministries of Justice, Constitutional and Religious Affairs, and Mineral Resources and Energy is part of the reform of the public administration system, to increase the efficiency, effectiveness, quality and dignity of the services provided to the public. This consideration was presented by the President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, in his speech...


Chongoene Airport is ready for operations and opens today

The Chongoene Airport, located approximately 32 kilometers from the city of Xai-Xai, Gaza province, is already completed and ready for air operations. The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, will proceed this Monday, to the inauguration of this infrastructure built from scratch. The work began in October 2018, in the area of Nhacutse, along the...