Tag: sovereign wealth fund

Home " sovereign wealth fund
Fundo Soberano ainda em “banho-maria” a espera de “ok” do Governo e do Banco de Moçambique

Sovereign Fund still in a "water bath" waiting for the "ok" from the government and the Bank of Mozambique

The Mozambique Sovereign Fund (FSM), the state entity that will be responsible for managing revenues from natural gas from the Rovuma basin in Cabo Delgado province, is still inoperative. Created a year ago by Law No. 1/2024, of January 9, the Sovereign Fund is still in a "water bath" due to the lack of...

CIP denuncia a falta de transparência na gestão do Fundo Soberano

CIP denounces the lack of transparency in the management of the Sovereign Wealth Fund

The Centre for Public Integrity (CIP), a Mozambican non-governmental organization (NGO) believes that the management of the Mozambique Sovereign Fund (FSM) is not transparent and that the government's reports lack information. According to a CIP report on the subject, the Sovereign Fund is far from being a transparent institution in the management of...

Omar Mithá nomeado presidente do conselho consultivo do Fundo Soberano

Omar Mithá appointed chairman of the Sovereign Fund's advisory board

Through the Council of Ministers, the government has appointed Omar Mithá to head the Investment Advisory Board of Mozambique's Sovereign Fund (FS). The appointment was made in a resolution approved this Thursday (12) in Maputo, during the 27th ordinary session of the Council of Ministers. Omar Mithá will lead the body made up of...

Proposta de gestão do Fundo Soberano já está concluída e vai à apreciação do Conselho de Ministros

Proposal for the management of the Sovereign Wealth Fund has been finalized and is going to the Council of Ministers for consideration

The Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance, Amílcar Tivane, said that the proposal for the management contract for the Mozambique Sovereign Fund had already been finalized and should be submitted to the Council of Ministers in the next few days for approval and subsequent signing by the Bank of Mozambique and the government. "The proposals are practically closed and the agreement...

Esperança Bias desafia membros de Supervisão do Fundo Soberano a pautarem pelo profissionalismo

Esperança Bias challenges members of Sovereign Wealth Fund Supervision to be professional

The President of the Assembly of the Republic (AR), Esperança Bias, swore in the nine members of the Supervisory Committee (SC) of the Mozambique Sovereign Fund (FSM) yesterday (Tuesday) in Maputo. This is an independent body that will control revenues from the production of liquefied natural gas from Offshore Areas 1 and 4 of the Mozambican...

Parlamento já elegeu os membros do Comité de Supervisão do Fundo Soberano

Parliament has already elected the members of the Sovereign Fund Supervisory Committee

The Assembly of the Republic (AR) elected the nine members of the Supervisory Committee (SC) of the Sovereign Fund (FS) in Maputo on Wednesday (31). According to an AIM publication, this is an independent body that will control revenues from the production of liquefied natural gas from Areas 1 and 4 Offshore in the Rovuma basin,...

Moçambique quer colher experiência do Timor-Leste sobre gestão do Fundo Soberano

Mozambique wants to draw on East Timor's experience in managing the Sovereign Wealth Fund

The Mozambican government has expressed its willingness to draw on the experience of the Republic of East Timor in the management of the Sovereign Fund, resulting from the resources generated by the exploitation of hydrocarbons. This was stated today, Friday (05), in Maputo, by the President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, at the end of talks, as part of the three-day state visit that...


Sovereign Fund supervisory committee known by June 30

The chairwoman of the ad-hoc committee to select candidates for membership of the body, Vitória Diogo, announced today that the nine members of the Supervisory Committee of the Mozambique Sovereign Fund will be known by June 30. Vitória Diogo, speaking at the opening of the ad-hoc commission meeting, explained, quoted by Noticias, that the...

Sociedade civil sugere implementação equilibrada do Fundo Soberano

Civil society suggests balanced implementation of the Sovereign Wealth Fund

Civil society organizations are advocating the adoption of strategies that allow a balance between savings and consumption in the implementation of the Sovereign Wealth Fund in Mozambique, so that the revenues from the exploitation of natural resources can benefit present and future generations. Speaking yesterday, Wednesday (08), during the International Conference on the Sovereign Fund, Moisés...

Fundo Soberano: Acordo de gestão pode estar concluído este mês

Sovereign Wealth Fund: Management agreement could be concluded this month

The National Director of Economic Policies and Development at the Ministry of Economy and Finance, Enilde Sarmento, guarantees that the package of agreements for the management of the sovereign fund will be concluded this month. Quoted by the daily newspaper Notícias, she assured that work on creating the Sovereign Fund's investment policies is at an advanced stage. The signing of the...