Tag: France

Home " France
Lançamento do Vista Bank em França: Um marco estratégico para impulsionar o crescimento do comércio em África

Launch of Vista Bank in France: A strategic milestone to boost trade growth in Africa

Vista Group, a financial services holding company with a mission to become a world-leading pan-African banking institution, has received approval from the French banking regulator, ACPR, to establish Vista Bank in France. Vista Bank France will be launched in the second half of 2025 and will be Vista Bank's first banking operation...

Primeiro-ministro da França entrega demissão a Macron, em meio à crise política

French Prime Minister Macron resigns amid political crisis

French Prime Minister Michel Barnier has resigned, hours after a vote in the National Assembly to remove him from office. Meanwhile, Emmanuel Macron is refusing to step down, following the fall of Michel Barnier's government, and is accusing the far-right and far-left of joining an anti-republican cause. In a statement...

Insurgência em Cabo Delgado: Filipe Nyusi mostra desconforto com apelo de França

Insurgency in Cabo Delgado: Filipe Nyusi shows discomfort with France's appeal

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, on Sunday expressed his discomfort with France's appeal to its citizens not to travel to Cabo Delgado, in the north of the country, due to the worsening of terrorist attacks, and even spoke of an agenda. Quoted by Correio da Manhã, the Mozambican head of state said that it was to be expected that the French authorities,...


Moreira Chonguiça distinguished Knight of Arts and Letters of the French Republic

Saxophonist Moreira Chonguiça's award is in recognition of his artistic work in Mozambique, Africa and France in particular. Moreira Chonguiça joins Malangatana Valente Ngwenha, photojournalist Ricardo Rangel, writer Mia Couto, singer Mingas and the Director of the Kinani Festival, Quito Tembe, other figures in Mozambican arts and letters...

Mali e Níger revogam acordos fiscais com a França

Mali and Niger revoke tax agreements with France

Mali and Niger have abrogated two tax treaties signed with former colonizing power France, their governments said Tuesday in a statement. The statement revoked a 1972 agreement with France that aimed to avoid double taxation and "establish rules of reciprocal assistance" on various tax issues. The other agreement had similar aims,...

Sebastião Coana condecorado na França

Sebastião Coana decorated in France

Mozambican artist Sebastião Coana received the Gold Medal of the Divine Academy of Arts, Letters and Culture, a French institution that promotes and recognizes cultural and scientific work at an international level. "I'm happy and I hope that other young creators feel and have the courage to pursue art, as...