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IMOPETRO procura novo fornecedor de combustíveis para o país

IMOPETRO seeks new fuel supplier for the country

The Mozambican Oil Importer (IMOPETRO) has launched an international tender to find a new fuel supplier for the country from next April. The quantities planned for import should ensure the availability of gasoline, diesel and JET for a period of six months. An IMOPETRO source quoted by Notícias said that there is...

​Dívida: EDM corta fornecimento de energia a sistema de abastecimento de água em Goba

Debt: EDM cuts power supply to water supply system in Goba

A debt of over 1.5 million meticais has led Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM) to cut off the electricity supply to the water supply system in the town of Goba, Namaacha district, Maputo province. EDM's decision prevents access to piped water for more than two thousand inhabitants of the region,...

​Moçambique obriga petrolíferas a fornecer informações sobre salários e procurement

Mozambique obliges oil companies to provide information on salaries and procurement

A ministerial decree from the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy came into force this month, obliging oil companies with concessions in Mozambique to provide the state with information on salaries and the contracting of goods and services, including proof of the bids received in these tenders. Notícias reports that the document approves the Mechanisms for Guiding Obligations...

​Moçambique cancela acordo com Maláui para fornecimento de 70 MW de energia eléctrica

Mozambique cancels agreement with Malawi to supply 70 MW of electricity

A lack of funds on the part of the Malawi government has led to the cancellation of the agreement with Mozambique to increase the 70 megawatts of electricity supplied to that country. Mozambique is supposed to supply Malawi with 50 megawatts of electricity, and it was planned to increase this from 70 megawatts to 120 megawatts in order to meet the needs...

EDM interrompe fornecimento de energia na cidade de Maputo

EDM interrupts power supply in Maputo city

Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM) is warning that the electricity supply will be interrupted today in some neighborhoods of Maputo city. The power cut will affect the neighborhoods of Sommerschield, part of Triunfo, Polana Caniço 'A' and 'B' and Maxaquene 'C'. In a statement, the company justifies the measure by the need to...