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Presidente da AT “fiscaliza” plano de acção para tranferência automática de receita

AT president "supervises" action plan for automatic revenue transfer

On Wednesday, the president of the Tax Authority (AT), Elisa Zacarias, led the Extraordinary Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Single Electronic Window (SEW), the aim of which was to give an update on the action plan for implementing the automatic collection, reconciliation, classification and transfer of revenue. Addressing the participants, Zacarias praised the ongoing efforts...

INAE falha quase 40% da meta de fiscalização prevista para 2024

INAE misses almost 40% of the inspection target set for 2024

The National Inspectorate of Economic Activities (INAE) missed its target for inspecting the country's main markets by 38.8%. The aim was to inspect 2,900 commercial establishments, but only 1,774 were covered. According to INAE spokesman Tomás Timba, work was severely affected during the period of the post-election demonstrations, with some teams of inspectors being...