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Falta de diálogo político pode alastrar a crise no país – ONG

Lack of political dialog could spread crisis in the country - NGO

The Centre for Democracy and Human Rights (CDD) is critical of the fact that the President of the Republic, Daniel Chapo, has not yet moved towards materializing a political dialogue aimed at restoring peace in Mozambique. Chapo has already completed his first 30 years in office, and for the civil society organization, the lack of dialogue...

G7 denuncia “falta de legitimidade” na investidura de Maduro na Venezuela

G7 denounces "lack of legitimacy" in Maduro's inauguration in Venezuela

The G7 leaders denounced "the lack of democratic legitimacy of the alleged investiture of Nicolás Maduro as president of Venezuela". "We reject Maduro's continued and repressive pursuit of power at the expense of the Venezuelan people, who voted for change peacefully and in large numbers on July 28, 2024, from...

Faltam refeições para doentes internados nos hospitais

Lack of meals for hospital patients

In national hospitals there is a shortage of meals for hospitalized patients, who are only served two a day, complained the President of the Mozambican Medical Association. According to Napoleão Viola, the food that arrives at the patients' bedsides does not have the necessary amounts of protein for recovery. Quoted by STV, he noted that in some cases...

Gasolineiras anunciam dificuldades para importar combustíveis por falta de moeda estrangeira

Gasoline companies announce difficulties in importing fuel due to lack of foreign currency

The lack of foreign currency on the Mozambican market is already being felt in some sectors, such as transport. In this case, two petrol stations have already spoken out about the difficulties and warned of a possible scenario of fuel shortages and price rises. The petrol stations say that the lack of foreign currency in commercial banks...

STAE queixa-se da falta de candidatos a MMV’s para as eleições de Outubro

STAE complains about lack of MMV candidates for October elections

The Technical Secretariat for Electoral Administration (STAE) is suffering from a shortage of candidates for Members of the Polling Station (MMVs) for the upcoming General Elections on October 9. The STAE has not yet managed to complete the required number, and has therefore decided to extend the deadline for submitting applications by another 25 days. "We hope...

INCM não demonstra evidências de concorrência desleal entre Tmcel, Vodacom e Movitel

INCM shows no evidence of unfair competition between Tmcel, Vodacom and Movitel

INCM resorts to strategy of not specifying legal bases for imposing new tariffs INCM presents no evidence of anti-competitive tariff practices between the three telephone operators in the country The Competition Regulatory Authority (ARC) says that the National Communications Institute of Mozambique (INCM) is acting irregularly within its...

Estressado e irritado com jornalistas, Armindo Tiago manda visitar central de medicamentos

Stressed and irritated by journalists, Armindo Tiago orders a visit to the drug center

This Monday (20), the Minister of Health, Armindo Tiago, showed his discomfort when asked about the lack of medicines in the pharmacies of the state's health units. In the pharmacies of hospitals and health centers, patients are mostly given paracetamol, as part of the unadministered indications on their prescriptions. Faced with a situation where...