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“Crise climática vai obrigar à deslocação de milhões de pessoas até 2050” – revela estudo

"Climate crisis will force the displacement of millions of people by 2050" - study reveals

By 2050, water crises such as floods, droughts and storms could internally displace almost 32 million people and force around 11 million to cross borders each year, according to the worst-case scenario in the study "To understand climate mobility, follow the water", carried out by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG). According to the newspaper...

Colo do útero: Ensaiam-se novas formas de tratamento de cancro

Cervix: New forms of cancer treatment being tested

These are two randomized clinical trials, one of which started in January on the development of techniques for discovering precancerous lesions, especially in women with a change in the screening test previously carried out in a peripheral health unit. The second study, which began in April, focuses on finding the best treatment for...

Estudo revela viabilidade para produção de biocombustíveis em Moçambique

Study reveals feasibility of producing biofuels in Mozambique

Mozambique has the right conditions to enable the production of biofuels for domestic consumption, thus reducing imports of fossil fuels, as suggested by a study commissioned by the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF). In a publication in the newspaper Notícias, the coordinator of the Economic Reforms Office at the MEF, João Macaringue, explained that the research comprised...

“Antirretroviral injectável tem eficácia de 100% na prevenção do HIV” – revela estudo

"Injectable antiretroviral has efficacy of 100% in HIV prevention" - study reveals

A scientific study published yesterday (Wednesday 24) concludes that Gilead Sciences' antiretroviral lenacapavir has an overall efficacy of 100% in preventing HIV-1 infection, which is responsible for almost all HIV infections in the world. The data was published in the scientific journal "New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)" and presented at the 25th conference...

“Em 49 anos da independência Moçambique transformou-se em supermercado de produtos acabados” – CIP

"In 49 years since independence, Mozambique has become a supermarket for finished products" - CIP

A study by the Center for Public Integrity (CIP) indicates that over the 49 years since national independence, Mozambique has become a "supermarket" for imported finished products. This scenario, according to the study, stems from the disappearance of key industries such as food, footwear and rubber. "In 49 years of independence, the continued dependence on imports of...

Estudo alerta sobre o impacto ambiental de funerais e cremações na saúde pública

Study warns of environmental impact of funerals and cremations on public health

A recent study on the "Application of Forensic Geosciences, Environmental Management and Public Health Risks", warns of the environmental pollution caused by cemeteries and cremations and suggests that an in-depth assessment be carried out in order to understand the scale of the problem at national level. Authored by Mozambican geoscientist Gil Aníbal, the study points out that...

“Participação da ENH com investimentos dos Emirados Árabes Unidos foi ´mau negócio´” – conclui estudo

"ENH's participation with investments from the United Arab Emirates was 'bad business'" - concludes study

The Mozambican government made a bad deal by financing the participation of the state company, Empresa Nacional de Hidrocarbonetos (ENH) in the Rovuma natural gas exploration contracts with investments made from the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The conclusion comes from the Center for Public Integrity (CIP), which speaks of annual losses in taxes withheld...

Fórum Macau: China promete 3000 bolsas de estudo

Forum Macau: China promises 3000 scholarships

China wants to boost bilateral economic cooperation with the nine Portuguese-speaking countries (CPLP) and to this end has adopted a plan that includes 20 measures. The various measures put forward by Beijing are to be implemented in the three-year period 2024-2027 between the member countries and China. "We're going to offer 3,000 training places...

Noventa porcento da semente que circula no país é tida como falsa – estudo

Ninety percent of the seed circulating in the country is believed to be fake - study

Around 90% of the seed circulating in the country is thought to be fake and of dubious provenance. This is the conclusion of a study carried out by the Association for the Promotion of the Seed Sector in partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The document, quoted by Rádio Moçambique,...