Tag: businessman

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PRM confirma rapto de empresário Muhammad Mayet na cidade de Maputo

PRM confirms kidnapping of businessman Muhammad Mayet in Maputo city

The spokesman for the Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM), Leonel Muchina, confirmed the kidnapping of businessman Muhammad Mayet, aged 45 and of Asian origin, this morning in Maputo city center. He said that the PRM estimates that the citizen was kidnapped by six individuals according to the information gathered...

Cabo Delgado: Insurgentes obrigam um empresário a pagar 150 mil meticais para poder seguir viagem

Cabo Delgado: Insurgents force businessman to pay 150,000 meticais to continue his journey

A businessman from Cabo Delgado province, northern Mozambique, was forced to pay 150,000 meticais in order to continue his journey to Quissanga, when he was intercepted by a group of terrorists last Friday. "One of our businessmen was transporting his goods to Quissanga. With the situation on the road, the car got stuck and he asked for help at...

Empresário raptado na zona militar

Businessman kidnapped in military zone

Another businessman was kidnapped this morning (11.02) in Maputo city. The incident took place along Avenida Amílcar Cabral, near the barracks in the military zone. This is the second kidnapping this year to take place in broad daylight. Witnesses heard by TV Miramar said that a car parked near...

Detidos indivíduos envolvidos no último rapto em Maputo

Individuals involved in latest kidnapping in Maputo arrested

Two individuals who were allegedly involved in the kidnapping of a businessman two weeks ago in the city of Maputo have been arrested. During the presentation of those indicted for kidnapping crimes this morning, the National Criminal Investigation Service, SERNIC, said there was evidence that one of them was involved in the kidnapping of the businessman and also...

Última Hora: Mais um empresário raptado na cidade de Maputo

Última Hora: Another businessman kidnapped in Maputo city

Businessman and owner of Armazéns Atlântico Comercial, Mohammad Hussein Cálu, has just been kidnapped. The kidnapping took place this morning at around 7.28am on Ho Chi Min Avenue in Maputo City. It all happened when the businessman, who was supposedly leaving his home behind, stopped his car for a few seconds...

Empresário escapa a tentativa de rapto em Maputo

Businessman escapes kidnap attempt in Maputo

Salim Laher, a businessman from Casa Paris, escaped an attempted kidnapping on Avenida 24 de Julho in Maputo city. Witnesses say that the attempt took place at around 7pm when a group of individuals, armed with firearms, intercepted the victim on the central road divider, dragging him into a...