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Manifestantes vandalizam e roubam documentos em cinco sedes da Frelimo em Inhambane

Protesters vandalize and steal documents from five Frelimo headquarters in Inhambane

Five Frelimo headquarters in Inhambane province were vandalized by a group of demonstrators who also stole several party documents. The information was provided this Thursday (05) by the first secretary of the Frelimo provincial committee in Inhambane, Adélia Zaulombo. "In our province we had a district committee vandalized, two committees...

Àfrica do Sul: Detidos 19 moçambicanos indocumentados em Pelgrim’s Rest  

South Africa: 19 undocumented Mozambicans arrested in Pelgrim's Rest  

Nineteen undocumented Mozambican citizens were taken into custody on Wednesday (16) after a brief hearing at the Pilgrim's Rest Magistrates' Court in South Africa. According to police spokesperson Captain Magonseni Nkosi, the suspects were arrested following an operation conducted by members linked to Mpumalanga's Operation Vala Umgodi on Tuesday (15). The...

CPLP pode introduzir serviços digitais para facilitar emissão de documentos para cidadãos de países membros

CPLP may introduce digital services to make it easier for citizens of member countries to issue documents

The Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries (CPLP) is meeting in Maputo with the aim of designing strategies for bureaucratic procedures that make it easier for citizens of member states to obtain documents safely. The CPLP is also seeking to make commercial transactions more flexible through this desire for ease. Those present at the meeting analyzed...

Gaza: Retidos malawianos na posse de documentos alheios

Gaza: Malawians detained over possession of other people's documents

Twenty-one Malawian citizens, including a woman, have been detained in Gaza province, caught in possession of someone else's documents. They were on their way to South Africa. Speaking to the newspaper, the spokesperson for the Provincial Migration Directorate in Gaza said that the group was preparing to travel to neighboring South Africa. The source clarified...

Adolescentes de 14 anos falsificam documentos para se recensear em Niassa

Teenagers as young as 14 forge documents to register in Niassa

The Center for Public Integrity (CIP), through its Election Bulletin, denounces the falsification of personal documents by people who are not yet qualified to register. According to the document, five teenagers were caught at the Malila Complete Primary School, 3 km from the town of Majune, with adulterated personal ballots....

FUNDE assiste comunidade da Matola-Rio no acesso a documentos de identificação

FUNDE assists Matola-Rio community in accessing identification documents

On Saturday, August 19, the University Foundation for the Development of Education (FUNDE) held the eighth edition of the Legal Fair in Matola-Rio Sede, Maputo province, where citizens had the opportunity to obtain identity cards (ID), a Unique Tax Identification Number (NUIT), passports, as well as legal and psychological assistance. At the...

Dívidas Ocultas: Divulgados documentos do SISE da Presidência para o julgamento em Londres

Hidden Debts: Presidency's SISE documents released for London trial

The Mozambican government has agreed to allow lawyers from Peters & Peters access to some documents from the Office of the President of the Republic and the State Information and Security Service (SISE) relating to hidden debts. According to the Center for Public Integrity (CIP), which provided the information, this guarantees...


London "Hidden Debts" trial may be canceled to defend Nyusi's interests

The Mozambican government is refusing to share classified documents on debts issued without state guarantees, "Hidden Debts", amounting to more than two billion dollars, which could lead to the cancellation of the trial scheduled for October 2023, in London, England, to defend the interests of the President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi. According to...