Mozambican civil society organizations are launching a project in Maputo today to strengthen the application of human rights and public intervention in the center and north of the country, the participating organizations announced. The initiative comes at a time when reports of human rights violations are on the rise. The project aims to "contribute to strengthening the capacities...
Tag: human rights
NGO launches tomorrow report on the human rights situation in Mozambique
Tomorrow, the Centre for Democracy and Development (CDD), a non-governmental organization, will launch a report on the human rights situation in the first three months of 2023 in Mozambique. This is a period marked by "several cases of violations in the country". According to the director of the CDD, Adriano Nuvunga, the document gives a "brief x-ray" of the...
Partnership launched for the promotion and protection of human rights in Mozambique
The Mozambican Network of Human Rights Defenders (RMDDH), the Mozambican Medical Association (AMM) and the Mozambican Psychology Association (APM) launched a partnership to promote and protect human rights in Mozambique. The event to launch the partnership took place on March 27 in Maputo. Under...
Filipe Nyusi defends the search for mechanisms to guarantee people's human rights
The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, defends the search for mechanisms to guarantee people's human rights. Nyusi was speaking at Maputo International Airport on his arrival from New York, United States of America, where he chaired some high-level debates as part of Mozambique's monthly presidency of the United Nations Security Council....
Police brutality: CIP calls for criminal action against the State for human rights violations
The Centre for Public Integrity (CIP), a non-governmental organization (NGO), strongly condemns the acts of torture and oppression perpetrated by the Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM), on the 18th of this month, against defenceless demonstrators who were exercising their right to demonstrate. "In the light of these findings, the CIP has today (21) submitted to the Attorney General's Office...
EU in Angola funds human rights projects with 850 thousand euros
The European Union (EU) delegation in Angola yesterday signed the financing contracts for four projects in the area of human rights, which will receive a total of 850,000 euros. The four projects, with a duration of two to three years, were selected following a call for proposals with a view to...
Authorities want to strengthen the defense of human rights in mega-projects
The Mozambican state and civil society say it is necessary to strengthen the work of human rights institutions in regions where there are natural resources. Where there are mega-projects for exploitation of natural resources, there are still reports of violations to the rights of communities. Civil society frequently denounces non-compliance with plans to...
Penitentiaries house more than 15 thousand prisoners above the installed capacity
The Mozambican penitentiaries house more than 15 thousand prisoners above the installed capacity according to the Minister of Justice, Constitutional and Religious Affairs, Helena Kida, who recognizes the gravity of the situation. "At this moment, there are about 23 thousand prisoners throughout the country, and the capacity that we have is about 8 thousand, so we are...
"Investing in Africa's industrialization is a human rights issue"
The executive director of the International Trade Center argues that "there is something systemically wrong" in the way international trade still works and says that investing in the industrialization of Africa "is a matter of basic human rights. What is wrong, Pamela Coke-Hamilton explained to Lusa, is a system that has been built over the last two centuries, but which...
Bar Association warns of human rights violations in conflict-affected areas
Armed conflicts in the country have created "opportunities" for the violation of human rights, leaving vulnerable the populations of the areas affected by violence, says the Report on Human Rights of the Bar Association of Mozambique (OAM) released yesterday in Maputo. "In the central and northern regions, the [human rights] situation has worsened, due to the occurrence of armed conflicts that have caused...