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MP acusa funcionários municipais de desvio de mais de 26 milhões de meticais

MP accuses municipal officials of embezzling more than 26 million meticais

The Public Prosecutor's Office (MP) in Inhambane accuses four current and former employees of the Vilankulo City Council of embezzling more than 26 million meticais in taxes and computer equipment in May 2024. A note from the Public Prosecutor's Office, to which we have had access, states that in order to achieve their intentions, the accused, with the help...

Director de Escola indiciado de desviar sacos de arroz e material informático

School head accused of embezzling bags of rice and computer equipment

The principal of Namialo Basic School, in the district of Meconta, in Nampula province, is accused of having embezzled foodstuffs for school lunches, around 57 bags of rice, oil, salt and computer equipment from the institution last Friday. When he was questioned about the absence of the food and materials, the accused said...

Cabo Delgado: Funcionários denunciam desvio de 14 milhões meticais para apoiar vítimas de terrorismo

Cabo Delgado: Officials denounce detour of 14 million meticais to support victims of terrorism

Officials from the Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Fisheries in Cabo Delgado have submitted a letter of complaint to the province's Anti-Corruption Office about the embezzlement of millions of meticais, which took place between the end of 2023 and the beginning of 2024. The amount, according to Notícias, which had access to the document, was earmarked for emergency assistance to the victims of...

Branqueamento de capitais na FADM: Desvio de 40.6 milhões de meticais leva à detenção de três militares e seus “comparsas”

Money laundering at the FADM: Embezzlement of 40.6 million meticais leads to the arrest of three soldiers and their "cronies"

Three members of the Armed Forces and Defense of Mozambique (FADM) and four other individuals belonging to a company that provides construction services to the state were arrested on Monday (19) on charges of embezzling 40.6 million meticais from the General Staff of the FADM. The FADM employees were assigned to the administration sector...

Revelados quatro esquemas de corrupção astronómicos na LAM, e dinheiro encravado

Four astronomical corruption schemes at LAM revealed, and money locked up

Fly Modern Ark (FMA) denounced, this Monday (12), in Maputo, millionaire embezzlement schemes at Mozambique Airlines (LAM), through points of sale (POS); cash collection, over-invoicing; and misuse of money. http://896.424.mywebsitetransfer.com/fma-acusa-fornecedores-de-combustivel-a-lam-pelos-atrasos-e-cancelamento-de-voos/ It was during a press conference that FMA's Project Manager, Sérgio Matos, revealed...