Tag: self-proclaim

Home " self-proclaim
Eleições Gerais 2024: Violação de normas éticas pode custar até oito anos de prisão, Ministério Público

General Elections 2024: Violation of ethical standards can cost up to eight years in prison, Public Prosecutor's Office

The Attorney General's Office (PGR) has warned that political actors who violate professional norms and ethics, who in any way call for social disorder, risk a sentence of up to eight years in prison, "if not more serious". The body says it is monitoring all developments related to the current electoral process, "including self-proclamations of victory in the election,...

Eleições gerais 2024: Autoproclamação de vitória de Venâncio Mondlane não configura ilícito eleitoral, diz CNE

General elections 2024: Venâncio Mondlane's self-proclamation of victory does not constitute an electoral offense, says CNE

The National Electoral Commission (CNE), through its spokesman, Paulo Cuinica, said today in Maputo that the self-proclamation of the winner of an election does not constitute an electoral offense, and asked for proof, in this case from Venâncio Mondlane. Responding to a question on the subject, Cuinica's first reading was that it looks like a...