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“Dívida africana é ridícula”, diz economista guineense

"African debt is ridiculous," says Guinean economist

Bissau-Guinean economist Carlos Lopez considers the debts of African countries to be "ridiculous" compared to northern countries. He was speaking in the aftermath of the recent meeting of the Summit for a New Global Financial Compact, which took place in Paris. Among the most debated topics were the sovereign debts of the most vulnerable countries, which weigh so heavily on...

Moeda única africana é uma utopia, defende analista

Single African currency is a utopia, says analyst

African states are working on utopias that are important for development, one of which is the creation of a single currency to circulate throughout the African continent, argues analyst Calton Cadeado. "We have reached a level of blockage that does not allow us to believe in achieving this utopia within the framework of the 2063 agenda," said the analyst in a...