Tag: district administrators

Home " district administrators
Administradores distritais vão passar a representar o Estado nas autarquias

District administrators will now represent the state in municipalities

The government has decided to broaden the scope of the powers of local authorities and reduce the number of public office holders covered by the incompatibility regime, appointing the district administrator as the State's representative in the local authority. Meeting after one session, the Council of Ministers approved on Tuesday (5), the regulation of the basic law of...

Shafee Sidat já não é administrador de Marracuene

Shafee Sidat is no longer administrator of Marracuene

By order dated September 26, the Minister of State Administration and Civil Service, Ana Comoana, decided to terminate the positions of Shafee Sidat, administrator of Marracuene, Momade Ali, of the Ilha de Moçambique district, Rui Chong, administrator of Mossuril, and Issa Tarmamade, administrator of the Ibo district. O...