Tag: postponement

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Sucessão: Mais uma vez falta de consenso volta a ditar o adiamento da eleição do candidato da Frelimo

Succession: Once again a lack of consensus leads to the postponement of the election of the Frelimo candidate

The Frelimo party's choice of candidate for President of the Republic will have to be delivered by caesarean section. The debate is now in its third day and there is no consensus on who should be the future leader of the Frelimo party and possibly replace the President of the Republic in the Presidency. What is happening is that the...

Governo força adiamento da greve dos profissionais de saúde por 30 dias

Government forces postponement of health workers' strike for 30 days

Health workers decided on Wednesday (27) to suspend their strike for 30 days. The strike was scheduled to resume today, Thursday, but the workers say that they have reached some consensus with the government. According to the Association of United and Solidarity Health Professionals of Mozambique (APSUSM), who are complaining about poor working conditions, the...

Cólera na Zâmbia já matou 518 pessoas e força novo adiamento de início do ano lectivo

Cholera in Zambia has killed 518 people and forced another postponement of the start of the school year

The cholera outbreak in Zambia has claimed 518 lives since October, Zambian Health Minister Sylvia Masebo announced on Wednesday, forcing the second postponement of the start of the school year. Zambia, which borders Angola, has been facing an increase in the cholera outbreak since October 2023 and is experiencing the worst epidemic...

ONG revela artimanhas da FRELIMO para adiar eleições distritais

NGO reveals FRELIMO's tricks to postpone district elections

The Center for Public Integrity (CIP) says that the postponement of the district elections "until favorable conditions exist" was orchestrated to benefit the interests of the Frelimo party through internal tricks. An article by CIP highlights three moments in which the genesis of the juggling act by the party with a parliamentary majority to make the elections unfeasible was publicly...

Sociedade civil em Nampula defende a realização de eleições distritais

Civil society in Nampula advocates district elections

Members of civil society based in Nampula province defend the holding of district elections scheduled for 2024. In their opinion, the country is in a position to bear all the costs of the process, which marks the consolidation of the decentralization in force. This position was expressed during a public hearing promoted by the...

“Adiamento de eleições distritais poderá ser um golpe gradual à democracia”, alerta oposição

"Postponement of district elections could be a gradual blow to democracy," warns opposition

The Democratic Movement of Mozambique (MDM) and Renamo today demanded the revocation of the commission set up to assess the relevance of the district elections, accusing the ruling party (Frelimo) of orchestrating a "gradual coup" against democracy in order to postpone the poll. The warning from the two opposition parties comes after parliament approved, just over...