Tag: agreement

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Aumentam apelos para acordo entre Governo e Renamo sobre eleições distritais

Increasing calls for agreement between government and Renamo on district elections

Renamo, in opposition in Mozambique, says it has submitted a draft law to Parliament to regulate the district elections scheduled for 2023, but it doesn't know if it will be discussed during the seventh parliamentary session, which starts on the 22nd, because Frelimo, in the Standing Committee of the Assembly of the Republic, has made it impossible to schedule it....

OCHA: Acordo de exportação de cereais decorre como o previsto

OCHA: Cereal Export Agreement Goes as Planned

The agreement to export cereals from the ports of southern Ukraine "is going as planned", and around 18 million tons of food have already been transported, despite the difficulties raised in constant meetings. "It's not an easy agreement, we're talking about two countries at war, countries that we have to...

Governos da União Europeia chegam a acordo para fixar limite ao petróleo russo

EU governments agree to cap Russian oil

Last Friday, the governments of the European Union reached an agreement to set limits on the price of Russian diesel, according to the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union on Twitter. The ceiling does not affect purchases from the EU bloc, which as of this Sunday is banning all imports of oil derivatives from...

ONU pede que acordo sobre cereais seja prorrogado por um ano

UN calls for grain agreement to be extended by one year

The head of the UN humanitarian agency today called for a one-year extension of the four-month-old agreement on Ukrainian grain exports, which expires on November 22. Martin Griffiths, who is one of the UN officials involved in the negotiations convened today told reporters in Geneva...


Mozambique and MCC strengthen preparation for Compact II

The government of Mozambique and the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) signed this Wednesday, April 20, in Washington D.C., United States of America (USA), a Revised Compact Development Fund (CDF) Agreement, which aims to strengthen the capacity of the Office of Compact Development II (GDC-II) in the identification and design of...


Ukraine Announces Agreement for the Withdrawal of Civilians from Mariupol

Ukraine and Russia announced the opening of a humanitarian corridor on Wednesday (20) for the withdrawal of civilians from Mariupol, the southern Ukrainian port city besieged for weeks by Russian troops, algus international portals report. "We managed to reach a preliminary agreement on a humanitarian corridor for women, children and the elderly," said...


South Africa signs agreement with Mozambique for gas purchases

South Africa's Vice President David Mabuza announced in parliament on Thursday that Pretoria has reached an agreement to import gas from Mozambique to alleviate energy problems in the country. "Discussions between our Minister of Mineral Resources [Gwede Mantashe] and Mozambique are quite advanced in terms of the gas we should transport...