Tag: agreement

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FMO: “Acordo entre o Governo e Credit Suisse pode não ser tão vantajoso quanto se afirma”

FMO: "Agreement between the government and Credit Suisse may not be as advantageous as claimed"

The agreement between the government and Credit Suisse "may raise suspicions" about the advantages of the agreement for Mozambique. This is the view of the Budget Monitoring Forum (FMO), a coalition of Mozambican non-governmental organizations (NGOs), which stresses that the agreement may not be as advantageous for the country as claimed. Through...

Dívidas ocultas: Afinal, acordo com o grupo UBS foi aprovado pelo Governo em Junho

Hidden debts: After all, agreement with UBS group was approved by government in June

The out-of-court agreement reached between Mozambique and the UBS financial group on the "hidden debts" case before the British courts was approved by the Council of Ministers in June. The information appears in the Supplement to the Official Gazette of September 14. The document, quoted by Lusa, ratifies the so-called Settlement Agreement signed between the...

Televisão de Moçambique assina acordo de cooperação com a Teledifusão de Macau

Mozambique Television signs cooperation agreement with Macau Broadcasting

Televisão de Moçambique (TVM) today signed a cooperation agreement with public broadcaster TDM - Teledifusão de Macau for the two countries to share content that allows mutual knowledge of the realities of the nations. Quoted by Lusa (via RTP), TVM's Executive Director, António Mugabe, said that at this stage the priority...


Mozambique and MCC sign 500 million dollar agreement

The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) has announced the signing, on September 21 of this year, of the second financing compact, for 500 million dollars, with the Mozambican government According to information from MCC, the signing ceremony for the Mozambique Coastal Connectivity and Resilience Pact, which will take place in the presence of the President of the Republic,...

Rússia e Turquia chegam a acordo sobre exportação de cereais, mas a ONU quer garantias

Russia and Turkey reach agreement on grain exports, but UN wants guarantees

The UN Secretary General said on Thursday that the organization is "deeply committed to resuming the Black Sea initiative", which allowed the export of grain from Ukraine, but that "mutual guarantees" are needed. Quoted by Lusa, António Guterres said that "contrary to what has been said recently, we remain actively engaged especially in aspects such as the...

Depois de cancelar o acordo de cereais, Rússia ensaia bloqueio marítimo do Mar Negro

After canceling grain deal, Russia rehearses Black Sea maritime blockade

Russia carries out naval exercises to rehearse the maritime blockade of the Black Sea after the end of the grain agreement. The Russian navy has held naval exercises in the Black Sea in order to practice detaining and destroying vessels in areas restricted to navigation. The exercises took place a few days after the Kremlin...

Acordo para exportação de cereais russos e ucranianos termina hoje

Russian and Ukrainian grain export deal ends today

The pact for the export of Russian and Ukrainian seeds and cereals expires today (17) with some prospects of being renewed, although Russia, through the head of diplomacy, Sergei Lavrov, has stated that the agreement "is dead". Meanwhile, the international press reports that Turkish President Recep Erdogan has guaranteed that the...