Category: Special Elections

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Nampula: Partido PODEMOS acusa a polícia de ter morto mais de 60 pessoas

Nampula: PODEMOS party accuses police of killing more than 60 people

The Optimist Party for the Development of Mozambique (PODEMOS), which supports the presidential candidacy of Venâncio Mondlane, accuses the Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) of fatally shooting 64 people in the northern province of Nampula during demonstrations that have been taking place since October 21. Speaking yesterday, Thursday (19), the...

CNE deve mais de dois mil milhões de meticais a Laxton/Artes Gráficas. Estado arrisca-se a juros de 12% por ano

CNE owes more than two billion meticais to Laxton/Artes Gráficas. State risks interest of 12% per year

The National Electoral Commission (CNE) owes just over two billion meticais to the Laxton/Artes Gráficas consortium for material supplied for the 2023 local elections and this year's general elections. According to the electoral bulletin of the Center for Public Integrity, on December 3 Laxton/Artes Gráficas issued a note to the...

Manifestações são janelas de oportunidade para reformas institucionais

Demonstrations are windows of opportunity for institutional reforms

The post-election demonstrations are a window of opportunity for Mozambique to embark on a path of institutional, economic and public policy reforms, argues economist Egas Daniel. "I see opportunities at least for reforms. Because we know that what is fueling the protests is the need for economic and institutional reforms," he said in an interview with...

Ressano Garcia: Jovem morto por mais de seis tiros ao regressar do funeral de “Shottas”

Ressano Garcia: Young man shot more than six times on his way back from "Shottas" funeral

Police officers from the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) fired lethal bullets and tear gas today at family members and friends of the late blogger Albino "Shottas" Sibia, as they returned from their "last goodbye" at the Ressano Garcia cemetery. At the time, a trailer truck had already blocked the passage of other vehicles and goods in both directions...

Reino Unido desaconselha viagens para Moçambique a partir de segunda-feira

UK advises against travel to Mozambique from Monday

The United Kingdom is advising British citizens to travel to Mozambique in view of the escalation of post-election protests starting next Monday and in the weeks following the announcement of the results of the general elections on October 9. But it also warns those already here to take precautionary measures. An update from Foreign...

Ressano Garcia: Jovem assassinado a fazer live. Camiões de C. Mesquita deviam passar! CDD vai processar o Estado

Ressano Garcia: Young man murdered while live-streaming. C. Mesquita's trucks should pass! CDD to sue the state

Albino José Sibia, better known as "Shottas", 30, was murdered on Sunday in the village of Ressano Garcia, Maputo province, by an agent from the Rapid Intervention Unit (UIR). On that day, the trucks of the Carlos Mesquita Transportation group were due to pass through. The young man was shot in the back while he was broadcasting live...

Podemos diz ser armadilha do CC a questão sobre recurso separado de Venâncio Mondlane

Podemos says it's a CC trap to question Venâncio Mondlane's separate appeal

The Optimist Party for the Development of Mozambique believes that the Constitutional Council (CC) held Wednesday's meeting to throw banana peels at the party and find turning points. One of the situations, according to Dinis Tivane, was when the President of the CC, Lúcia Ribeiro, said she had not received any appeal about the presidential candidacy...