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Tolls create jobs amid protests

The four new tolls on the Maputo ring road will generate around 550 direct jobs, and candidates for the respective job vacancies are already being trained, the Minister of Public Works, Housing and Water Resources said on Tuesday in Maputo. Joao Machatine was speaking after the 2nd Session of the Council of...


Angela Merkel refuses a job at the UN

The former German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, will have left in "bain-marie" a proposed work addressed by the Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN), the Portuguese António Guterres. The announcement was made by the office of the former German chancellor, which does not disclose which functions were proposed by the UN SG, reports rtp. According to some news agencies...


Portuguese António Horta-Osório resigns as chairman of Credit Suisse

After commanding the presidency of Credit Suisse for nine months, Portuguese António Horta-Osório has tendered his resignation from the post for failing to comply with covid-19 prevention rules in Switzerland and the UK. Horta-Osório, now former president of the bank, acknowledged and regretted that some of his attitudes caused difficulties for the bank as well as compromised...


It is now forbidden to call employees outside of working hours

A recent amendment to Portugal's Labor Code prohibits employers (bosses) from contacting their employees when they are off duty, except in cases of force majeure. The employer "has the duty to refrain from contacting the worker during the rest period, except in situations of force majeure," says the parliament. A...


People always forget to do these 5 things before a job interview

The world has always shown that experience is an irrefutable argument, in many areas, and perhaps this is where the popular saying "experience makes perfect" came from. But when it comes to job interviews, having been through many can be an indicator of imperfection at some crucial point in the process. In fact, the one who...