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Marco Abalroado tem a maior visibilidade mediática nacional

Marco Abalroado has the highest national media visibility

The CEO of Access Bank, Marco Abalroado, was the leader with the greatest visibility in the national media, according to the CEO Media Report Mozambique 2024, which evaluated publications from January 1 to September 30, 2024. Marco Abalroado was the CEO with the highest volume of articles and had the fifth best favorability (70.7) in the...

À esquerda, Raimundo Matuassa Administrador Executivo da SIMO Rede e à direita, Marco Abalroado Administrador Delegado do Access Bank

Marco Abalroado steps down as Managing Director of Access Bank Mozambique

Access Bank Mozambique announces that Marco Abalroado, Managing Director and Chairman of the Bank's Executive Committee, after more than six years of dedication to Access Bank Mozambique, is stepping down as Managing Director and Chairman of the Bank's Executive Committee for personal reasons. Marco Abalroado, Managing Director, played a decisive role in the creation...

Empresária moçambicana Jónia Presado é Doutora Honoris Causa

Mozambican businesswoman Jónia Presado receives Honorary Doctorate

Mozambican businesswoman Jónia Ismael Chilusse Presado raised the flag of Mozambique to the highest international level at the graduation ceremony, where she was formally awarded a Doctorate of Philosophy in the Leadership and Business Management Category, held on October 12, 2024, in the United States of America, in Atlanta, by Veridian Christian...

Vaga para Motorista de Cargas Pesadas – Tsutsuma Express e Logistics

Heavy Goods Driver Vacancy - Tsutsuma Express and Logistics

Job Description: Tsutsuma Express e Logistics, a Mozambican company in the national and international transportation and logistics sector, is looking for an experienced Heavy Goods Driver to join our team. If you are dedicated, responsible and have experience with heavy load transportation, this is the right opportunity. Responsibilities:...


Seven rich countries are looking for Mozambican labor for seven million jobs

Mozambican citizens are being called upon to apply for job opportunities in seven rich countries that are currently facing labor shortages in various areas. An advertisement published today in the newspaper Notícias indicates that Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates, Canada, Russia and the United States of America have around seven million job vacancies...

A liderança responsável e a construção de um espaço ideal para trabalhar

Responsible leadership and building an ideal place to work

We are increasingly questioning the environments in which we work, regardless of the position we hold. At Absa Bank Moçambique, creating an atmosphere that serves the work purpose of all employees is fundamental to the company's growth and career progression. To this end, and in order to maintain a healthy organizational culture,...

Banco Nacional de Investimento anuncia nova comissão Executiva

National Investment Bank announces new executive committee

Abdul Jivane is the new President of the Executive Committee of the National Investment Bank (BNI) as a result of a resolution by the state shareholder to replace Tomás Matola as President of the bank's Executive Committee. According to the newspaper Domingo, Jivane had been Executive Director of the state-owned bank since 2015, and has a degree in...


Luísa Diogo appointed Non-Executive Director of Absa Group

The Absa Group announced this Wednesday that Luísa Diogo, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Absa Bank Moçambique, has been appointed Non-Executive Director of the Absa Group, and will now hold both positions. In a statement, Absa highlights Luísa Diogo's long career and her recognized competence and professional experience in the economic and financial...