Nacala Logistics donates hospital material to the Health sector of Nampula

Nacala Logistics doa material hospitalar ao sector de Saúde de Nampula

Nacala Logistics recently delivered thousands of units of various hospital supplies to the Provincial Health Service of Nampula, a donation intended for local communities.

The donated material includes powder gloves, surgical masks, syringes, saline solution, and will be used at the Hospital Central de Nampula (HCN) and Hospital Psiquiátrico de Nampula (HPN). "We hope that with this material the Health sector can fortify and improve its capacity to serve the communities," said the Manager of Community Relations of Nacala Logistics, Celso Mutadiua, in the act of delivery.

"Our commitment is to continue to strengthen our partnership for the good of the communities where our operations are based," he added.

For her part, the director of the Provincial Health Service of Nampula, Munira Abudou, thanked "the concern that Nacala Logistics has for the well-being of the communities" and said that the donation "will be of great help to the sector.

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