Matola: Josina Machel Avenue rehabilitation begins

Matola: Arranca reabilitação da Avenida Josina Machel

Work began yesterday on repairing Avenida Josina Machel, a stretch between the Machava-Km15 and Matola-Gare neighborhoods, with the aim of improving the conditions of the road and facilitating the mobility of people and goods.

According to "Notícias", the work is being carried out on the most critical parts of the road, where the tarmac is being removed and later the road will be resurfaced and ditches will be laid to drain rainwater.

In the less critical areas, potholes will be filled in, according to a source from the National Roads Administration (ANE) quoted by the newspaper.

The delegate of the National Roads Administration (ANE) in Maputo province, Dedy Mendes, explained that the work is part of the routine maintenance program and could continue until next November.

"Maintenance is being carried out at the most critical points. The entire length of the road will be rehabilitated in stages until it is finished in the second half of the year," he said.

Image: DR

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