Venâncio Mondlane says there is evidence of Frelimist influence on Renamo's decisions

Venâncio Mondlane diz haver indícios de influência frelimista nas decisões da Renamo

Ossufo Momade's former and closest aide says there is strong evidence of influence from the modus operandi of Frelimo on the actions of the Renamo party. "It's a copy paste"!

"I can talk about things that may indicate that sometimes we reproduce Frelimo values inside [Renamo]," said Venâncio Mondlane, noting, however, that he was not in a position to prove or indicate facts that would lead to this conclusion. "But there are things that happen in Renamo that remind me of the Frelimo party."

The deputy, in an interview with Center for Public Integrity Podcast (CIPCast) pointed, for example, to the recent approval of the profile of the ideal candidate to run in the internal and presidential elections as a typical Frelimo act.

"We're getting this kind of positioning, this institutional personality typical of Frelimo. Violating the Constitution and the party's own statutes and being relaxed about it," he said indignantly.

The former rapporteur of Renamo's parliamentary caucus in the Assembly of the Republic believes that his party, by approving the new profile, is fighting all the democratic gains that Renamo has made since 1977.

"This is a typical Frelimo discourse, inherited from so-called democratic centralism. Renamo is doing exactly the same thing that Frelimo approved in 1977. That's why Frelimo says it will never let anyone rule this country," he said.

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