Tag: industrial units

Home " industrial units

Entrepreneurs bet again in Cabo Delgado

The Director of Industry and Trade in Cabo Delgado said today that more than 300 industrial units are back in operation following the reduction of insecurity in the province "We noticed the opening of 371 commercial establishments and these are signs of recovery of our economy," said Nacif Magaia quoted by Lusa today. Among the units stand out...

Cabo Delgado. Reabertas 110 unidades industriais

Cabo Delgado. 110 industrial units reopened

About 110 industrial units that had been closed in Cabo Delgado following the terrorist attacks, have reopened, as a result of the relative tranquility experienced in recent days, as a result of the work of the joint troop, an official source said. "We also noted the reopening of 371 commercial establishments that are signs of the recovery of our...