Tag: suicide

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Jogos de azar: Crianças, jovens e os frustrados com a TSU têm maior riscos de cometer suicídio

Gambling: Children, young people and those frustrated with CSO have a higher risk of committing suicide

Children are among the groups of citizens, such as young people, the elderly, the unemployed and state employees frustrated by the Single Wage Table (TSU), who are most at risk of committing suicide as a result of gambling, while older people can also commit homicide against those close to them, psychologist Hachimo Chagane warned today. According to...

Líder terrorista suicida-se nas matas de Cabo Delgado, revela Nyusi

Terrorist leader commits suicide in the woods of Cabo Delgado, Nyusi reveals

The President of the Republic (PR), Filipe Nyusi, said today that he had learned of the suicide of one of the terrorist leaders operating in Cabo Delgado province. He explained that this suicide had occurred because of his indecision as to whether or not to voluntarily hand himself in to the authorities and benefit from a "pardon", as has been the case with several...

Niassa: Cidadãos enforcam-se depois de consumir bebidas e canábis sativa

Niassa: Citizens hang themselves after consuming booze and cannabis sativa

Two citizens committed suicide by hanging in the administrative post of Cobué, Lago district, in Niassa province, after consuming alcoholic drinks and cannabis sativa (soruma), according to Rashide Serafim, head of the administrative division. Rádio Moçambique reports that the suicides took place in the villages of Mataca and Chigoma, and the cause of the acts...

Dezassete policias cometeram suicídio nos últimos dois anos no país

Seventeen policemen have committed suicide in the last two years in the country

More police officers are committing suicide in the country. In the last two years alone, according to the Commander General of the Police of the Republic of Mozambique, Bernardino Rafael, seventeen police officers have taken their own lives. Speaking at a graduation ceremony in the administrative post of Pundanhar, in the district of Palma, Cabo Delgado, Bernardino Rafael was quoted by RM as saying that suicide is not...

Mais um soldado do BDF comete suicídio em Cabo Delgado

Another BDF soldier commits suicide in Cabo Delgado

The Botswana Defense Force (BDF) announced the death on Monday morning of another Tswana soldier deployed in the turbulent province of Cabo Delgado, writes the newspaper "Mmegi" on its online page. "The BDF wishes to inform the public about the unfortunate incident in which a member of the BDF Contingent deployed in the Province...