Tag: census

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STAE recenseou quase um milhão de eleitores

STAE registered almost a million voters

The spokesman for the Technical Secretariat for Electoral Administration (STAE), Lucas José, reported on Friday that 943,731 voters had been registered nationwide. This corresponds to 12,59% of the expected target. "Adding the voters registered in 2023 (8,723,805 voters), a total of 9,667,536 voters have already been registered, corresponding to 59,61% of the estimated 16,217,816...

Recenseamento Eleitoral ocorre no domicílio de membro da Frelimo em Maputo

Voter registration takes place at the home of a Frelimo member in Maputo

Residents of the Maguaza neighbourhood, in the Moamba district of Maputo province, are denouncing the fact that voter registration is taking place in the shack of a member of the Mozambican Women's Organization (OMM), a Frelimo party organization. "We're outraged because this is someone's house, the OMM secretary herself is here. The tent is...

Terrorismo condiciona recenseamento eleitoral em Quissanga e Ibo

Terrorism conditions voter registration in Quissanga and Ibo

The information was given on Friday, 15.03.2024, by the Provincial Director of the Technical Secretariat for Electoral Administration STAE, Cassamo Camal, exclusively to Zumbo FM Notícias in the context of the start of the voter registration process for the presidential, legislative and provincial assembly elections to be held on October 9. Cassamo Camal, said...

Recenseamento Militar: Defesa supera meta de registo de mancebos

Military census: Defense surpasses goal of registering young men

The Ministry of National Defense (MDN) registered 280,878 young people between January 2nd and February 28th this year, representing a completion rate of 127% compared to what had been planned. Compared to the previous year, there was an increase of 1,70%, when 278,035 young people were registered. Of the total number registered, 177,524 are male and 103,354...

CIP diz que CNE tem mais brigadas de recenseamento em zonas da Frelimo

CIP says CNE has more census brigades in Frelimo areas

The Center for Public Integrity (CIP) says that there will be more census teams in areas belonging to Frelimo, the ruling party, than in opposition areas, making the process more difficult. "The CNE has already published the placement of the census brigades. And, once again, there will be more teams in Frelimo areas than in Renamo areas,...

Recenseamento eleitoral será adiado para 15 de Março – CIP

Voter registration postponed to March 15 - CIP

CIP Eleições reports that today, 24.01, the Assembly of the Republic will approve the proposal to amend the law to allow the CNE to propose to the Council of Ministers another date for the start of voter registration. According to CIP, the three parties have reached a consensus to postpone...