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Novo rating coloca Fidelidade entre as seguradoras mais sustentáveis do mundo

New rating places Fidelidade among the world's most sustainable insurers

Fidelidade - the Group to which Fidelidade Ímpar belongs - was considered the second best insurer in Europe and the fourth best in the world in terms of sustainability. This ranking was awarded by Morningstar Sustainalytics, an international benchmark company that has been producing a global sustainability ranking for over 30 years. In all...

Oxford Economics: “Moçambique deve acelerar a sua estratégia contra a corrupção para melhorar o rating”

Oxford Economics: "Mozambique must accelerate its anti-corruption strategy to improve its rating"

Oxford Economics believes that stability in Cabo Delgado province and the implementation of the anti-corruption strategy will be fundamental for Mozambique to improve its rating on the credibility of sovereign credit issues. Analysts from the African department of British consultancy Oxford Economics said today that "for Mozambique to substantially reduce the risks on...

Governo diz que causas para descida de ‘rating’ estão resolvidas

Government says causes for downgrade have been resolved

The government said on Tuesday that the downgrade of the country's rating was due to the pressure caused by the state wage reform, which has since been corrected, maintaining the conditions to service its debt. "The recent assessment of the country's rating was based on a retroactive framework, especially in the first months of the year, a period in which the impact...


Standard & Poor's upgrades Mozambique's rating to CCC+

Financial rating agency Standard & Poor's has raised Mozambique's rating to CCC+, after placing the country in Selective Default for a day, "to signal that there were payment defaults" earlier this year. "Unfortunately, Mozambique did not have a grace period in the rules for domestic debt issues; if they are...