Tag: propose

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Conselho de ONGs da África Austral propõe adiamento da investidura presidencial

Council of Southern African NGOs proposes postponement of presidential inauguration

The Southern African Council of Non-Governmental Organizations (SAf-CNGO) is proposing that the presidential inauguration taking place today in the Mozambican capital, Maputo, be postponed. In a statement, the council put forward four key proposals to end the post-election conflict in the country and bring back economic stability, particularly in the Southern African Development Community....

Nyusi propõe encontro com candidatos presidenciais para discutir sobre a situação do país

Nyusi proposes meeting with presidential candidates to discuss the country's situation

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, this afternoon expressed his openness to talks with the four candidates for the Presidency of the Republic, Lutero Simango of the Democratic Movement of Mozambique, Venâncio Mondlane, an independent supported by Podemos, Ossufo Momade, of Renamo, and Daniel Chapo, of Frelimo. According to Nyusi, the possible meeting is to jointly find solutions...

Escritores propõem diálogo urgente líderes políticos

Writers propose urgent dialog with political leaders

The Association of Mozambican Writers (AEMO) deplores the escalation of post-election violence throughout the country, with the loss of citizens' lives. That's why, in a statement, they put forward some proposals to stop the violence that has characterized recent days. In a statement, AEMO deplores the climate of violence, which "has...

MDM propõe dois caminhos para cessar as manifestações em Moçambique

MDM proposes two ways to end demonstrations in Mozambique

Mozambique is going through a critical post-election period that has already led to the loss of human lives and the looting of public and private property. The Democratic Movement of Mozambique (MDM) believes that the demonstrations reflect the position of the majority in relation to the results of the October 9 general elections announced by the National Electoral Commission (CNE). Due to the...