The Government of Japan and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Mozambique signed today, at the Official Residence of Japan in Mozambique, the agreement for the Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project for Stabilization in Cabo Delgado Province, budgeted at 1,328,000,000 yen (around 10 million dollars). The agreement was signed...
Tag: United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
Home " United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
UNDP makes 10 thousand euros available for decentralization programs
The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) is funding decentralization programs in the country to the tune of about 10 million euros to build the capacity of provincial assemblies. The UNDP program started this year and aims to strengthen democratic governance and peace in Mozambique. Part of the amount has already been...
Maputo hosts the IVth Work Group of the PALOP Budget Commissions
Mozambique is hosting, this Monday, the meeting of the IV Working Group of the Budget Commissions of the PALOP countries and Timor-Leste, under the theme "Budgetary Legislative Oversight and Sovereign Wealth Funds," says a statement from the Assembly of the Republic (AR) quoted by "Notícias". The three-day event, held as part of the program for the consolidation of the...