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Há venda de produtos fora de prazo nos mercados da província de Maputo

Out-of-date products being sold in Maputo province markets

The National Inspectorate for Economic Activities (INAE) says that there are sales of expired and damaged products and also price speculation in the main markets in Maputo province. The finding was made as part of monitoring and inspection work aimed at gauging the availability of food products in the markets. The inspectorate delegate...

Produtos de primeira necessidade mais caros

More expensive basic necessities

The National Statistics Institute (INE) says that in September, the prices of basic goods and services grew by 2.75%, compared to the same period in 2023. According to INE data from September to date, citizens of Quelimane, Beira, and Maputo, for example,...

Ministro da Indústria e Comércio desafia PME`s a apostarem na qualidade dos seus produtos

Minister of Industry and Trade challenges SMEs to invest in the quality of their products

The Minister of Industry and Trade is challenging the country's small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to focus on the quality of their national products in order to compete with potential on the international market. According to Silvino Moreno, who was speaking last Friday (02), in Maputo, at the second National Conference of Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs), entrepreneurs should...

CCM passa a emitir certificados de origem electrónicos para produtos de exportação

CCM starts issuing electronic certificates of origin for export products

In order to simplify the process and bring it into line with international trends, the Mozambique Chamber of Commerce (CCM) is going to issue certificates of origin for national products for export electronically. The document attests to the conformity of the specific rules of origin declared by an exporter to products, and the innovation should...

Rotulagem em português abrange 70% dos produtos

Portuguese labeling covers 70% products

Around 70% of the products available in supermarkets across the country already have labels in Portuguese, said the director-general of the National Institute for Standardization and Quality (INNOQ), Geraldo Albasini. Geraldo Albasini said that the inspection work carried out with the National Inspectorate of Economic Activities could reach...

INAE denuncia falsificação da validade de produtos embalados

INAE denounces falsification of shelf life of packaged products

There are products with adulterated expiry dates and others without labeling circulating in Mozambique, according to the National Inspectorate of Economic Activities (INAE). Speaking on Thursday at the opening of the institution's 8th Consultative Council, the Inspector General revealed that several cases have already been brought against commercial establishments accused of tampering with the expiry date of products. From...

Niassa: Camponeses arrecadam milhões na venda de produtos agrícolas

Niassa: Farmers rake in millions selling agricultural products

Farmers will earn more than one hundred million meticais from the sale of five thousand tons of cash and food products in the district of Maúa, in Niassa. Of this quantity of products, said the Maúa district administrator, quoted by RM, tobacco, sesame, soya, cotton, cereals, vegetables and tubers stand out. Omar Sulaimane...