Tag: President of South Africa

Home " President of South Africa
Cyril Ramaphosa diz que Europa deve subsidiar transição energética

Cyril Ramaphosa says Europe must subsidize energy transition

The President of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa, the continent's largest electricity producer, which gets 80% from coal, argued yesterday that Europe should subsidize the energy transition in his country with compensation of 25%. "We think that 25% would be a good subsidy that would allow us to start a fair transition process with...


South Africa criticizes cost of financing energy transition

The President of South Africa today criticized the cost of international aid for the energy transition, considering that loan costs are too high for most countries trying to diversify energy sources. "Currently, multilateral aid is out of reach for the majority of the world's population due to policies of...

Presidente sul-africano, Cyril Ramaphosa anuncia medidas de combate à corrupção estatal

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa announces measures to combat state corruption

The President of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa, yesterday announced a series of measures to combat corruption in the state apparatus and warned the corrupt that "they have nowhere to hide". "Corruption is a betrayal of our democracy and an attack on the institutions we established together to promote the values of our Constitution and...

Presidente da África do Sul discute com executivo crise de energia

South African President discusses energy crisis with executive

The president of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa, yesterday discussed with the executive the recurring unprecedented power crisis affecting the country as a matter of urgency, it was announced yesterday. The South African head of state cancelled his trip to New York, United States of America, where he was also supposed to participate in the United Nations General Assembly,...